Exotic Weapons


Wish-Ender: (Kinetic)

This Kinetic Bow has Anti-barrier rounds. On an attack against a creature, that creature is marked for 1 minute. While marked in this way, the creature cannot Hide from you. If the creature goes Invisible or goes behind Total Cover, you are still aware of its exact position. If the creature vanishes into another plane of existence, the mark is lost.

CATALYST: A creature is marked for 10 minutes. If they vanish into another plane of existence, you become aware of what plane they vanished into, and the mark is lost. They know the name of the plane, but not a specific location within the plane.

Le Monarque: (Void)

This Void Bow has Overload Rounds. If you land a Precise shot, this bow deals an additional [1d4] Void damage at the start of the target’s next turn.

CATALYST: The additional damage is a [1d8]. If a target dies to this damage, you heal the same amount of damage.

Hierarchy of Needs: (Solar)

As a bonus action, you can manifest a 10ft. radius ring in a space within 5ft. of you. This ring lasts for 1 minute. If you shoot at a target through this ring, your shot deals an additional [2d4] Solar damage. Once you manifest a ring, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can manifest the ring twice, and regain both uses at the end of a long rest.

Traitor's Bite: (Corruption)

When you score a final blow on a creature, you can create a 10ft. radius sphere centered on the space where the creature died. Other creatures of your choice within the radius must make a DEX SAVE or each take [1d4] Corruption damage. For each enemy damaged in this way, you gain a lingering stack of Vampirism, up to a maximum of 10. These stacks linger until they are used.

As a bonus action, you can spend all available stacks to empower your next shot. If that shot hits, for each stack of Vampirism, you deal an additional 2 Corruption damage, and heal yourself for the same amount.

Once you use the empowered shot feature, you cannot do so again for [1d6] days.

CATALYST: You also gain Temporary Hitpoints for the same amount of extra damage from the empowered shot.

Trinity Ghoul: (Arc)

On a hit where the dice roll is 17 or higher, the target is Jolted.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 15 or higher, or on a Precise hit, the target is Jolted.

Leviathan’s Breath: (Void)

This weapon has the Power Property and Unstoppable rounds, but does not have the Fast-Load Property or the Precise Property. On a hit, this bow deals [4d10] damage. On a hit, the target is shoved 10ft. Away.

CATALYST: This weapon has the Precise Property.

Verglas Curve: (Stasis)

On a hit where the dice roll is a 16 or higher, the target takes one stack of Chill.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 17 or higher, the target takes one stack of Chill.

Ticuu’s Divination: (Solar)

As a bonus action, you can load and unleash three seeker arrows. Each seeker marks a creature of your choice that you can see for 1 minute, as long as they are within normal range. When you hit a marked target with a normal arrow, the arrow deals an additional damage die.

CATALYST: Marked targets cannot go invisible.

Wish-Keeper: (Strand)

This bow deals an additional damage die to Suspended creatures.

Final blows with this weapon grant the bow a Charge, up to a maximum of 2 Charges. As a bonus action, you can spend a charge to fire a trap-springing arrow to affect a sphere you can see within range The sphere affects creatures around corners. Creatures of your choice within 10ft. of that point must make a DEX Save or be Suspended.

CATALYST: You can hold a maximum of 4 Charges, and you can spend any number of extra charges to increase the radius by 5ft. per charge. Additionally, scoring a final blow on a Suspended creature generates a Threadling.