Exotic Weapons


Rat King: (Kinetic)

You gain advantage on all attack rolls with this weapon if you are within 10ft. Of another allied creature who is also equipped with Rat King. If you are within 10ft. of at least two allied creatures who are also equipped with Rat King, you all deal an additional damage die per shot.

CATALYST: The group range is now 15ft. for you.

Traveller’s Chosen: (Kinetic)

When you score a final blow with this weapon, you gain a Charge of Light. When you gain 5 charges, you can spend them as a bonus action to regain one of your choice: Grenade, Charged Melee, or Class Ablity.

CATALYST: You can spend 2 charges to regain an ability, but you cannot do so again with 2 charges for [1d4] days.

Devil’s Ruin: (Solar)

You can forego your Attack Action to instead fire a powerful laser in a 40ft. long, 5t. wide line. Creatures caught in this line must make a DEX SAVE or take [4d8] Solar damage. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: The line’s range is 50ft.

Buried Bloodline: (Void)

This Crossbow sidearm deals [2d8] damage on a hit. When you hit an enemy you can cause the bolts to leech health and heal you for half the rolled damage. This feature can be used three times, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: When you apply the Leeching effect, the target is also Weakened.

Forerunner: (Kinetic)

This weapon has the Special and Precise properties, and has Accurized Rounds.

CATALYST: This weapon has Anti-Barrier rounds, and its benefit from Accurized Rounds is doubled.

Cryosthesia 77k: (Stasis)

As a bonus action, you can overcharge the pistol. Your next attack deals an additional damage die and applies two stacks of Chill. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You can overcharge the pistol twice instead of once per long rest.

Final Warning: (Strand)

You can use a bonus action to mark a target. If you hit a marked target with an attack, this weapon deals an additional damage die in Strand.

CATALYST: If you hit a marked target, they are also Suspended.

Trespasser: (Arc)

After scoring a final blow, your next attack fires double the ammo for appropriate damage.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 17 or higher, the target is Jolted.

Dreg’s Promise: (Arc)

This weapon deals [3d6] Arc damage.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 18 or higher, the target is Jolted.