Exotic Weapons


MIDA Multitool: (Kinetic)

Has the Lightweight Property.

CATALYST: You gain Truesight out to 10ft. while wielding this weapon.

Touch of Malice: (Corruption)

Magazine Size: 3

This weapon has the Rapid Fire property. If there is 1 round in the magazine, every subsequent shit does not spend that round. Instead, you take [1d6] Darkness damage with every attack, and you roll an additional damage die on every hit.

Additionally, as an Action you can fire a single shot at a target. Upon a hit, the target must also make a CON SAVE. On a failed SAVE, they are Blighted. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: You take [1d4] Darkness damage instead. You may also use the Blighted Shot twice per long rest.

Symmetry: (Arc)

When you score a final blow with this weapon, until the end of your next turn, this weapon has advantage on all attack rolls. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

CATALYST: When you score a final blow with this weapon, its range is also doubled.

Tlaloc: (Void)

Magazine Size: 3

This weapon deals an additional damage die if the user has 100 Super Points. If the user is a Warlock, it also has the Rapid Fire property.

CATALYST: You gain the damage benefits if you have at least 80 Super Points.

Wicked Implement: (Stasis)

Magazine Size: 2

On a hit where the attack roll is an 18 or higher, the target takes one stack of Chill.

CATALYST: The target takes one stack of Chill on a 16 or higher. Additionally, if a creature is defeated while Chilled and within 10ft. of the user, the Wicked Implement is instantly reloaded from reserves.

Dead Man’s Tale: (Kinetic)

If you land a Precise hit, your next Precise hit gains a +1 to the damage roll. This can be chained to a maximum of +3 as long as your subsequent shots do not miss, and you do not reload.

CATALYST: Reloading no longer removes the benefit.

Skyburner’s Oath: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 6

This weapon has Anti-Barrier rounds, and deals an additional [1d4] damage against Cabal and Taken Cabal.

CATALYST: On a hit against Cabal or Taken Cabal, this weapon applies one stack of Burn.

Polaris Lance: (Solar)

Magazine Size: 5

On a Precise hit, you gain 1 Lance Charge, to a total of 4 charges, which linger until spent. On a hit, you can spend all available charges to deal an additional [1d4] Solar damage. If you use 4 charges at once, you cause a 10ft. Solar explosion. All creatures of your choice within that radius must make a DEX SAVE, or also take the weapon’s damage.

CATALYST: On any hit, not just Precise hits, you gain 1 Lance Charge.

Jade Rabbit: (Kinetic)

This weapon has Accurized Rounds and the Silent Property.

CATALYST: This weapon has the Lightweight Property.