Exotic Weapons


Suros Regime: (Kinetic)

On a final blow where the attack roll was a 17 or higher, you heal [1d8] damage.

CATALYST: You gain the healing if the attack roll was a 15 or higher.

Hard Light: (Varies)

This weapon has Ricochet Rounds. As a bonus action, you can change the weapon's element between Solar, Void, and Arc.

CATALYST: You can change firing modes as a free action.

Zhalo Supercell: (Arc)

On a hit where the dice roll is 18 or higher, the target is also Jolted.

CATALYST: On a hit where the dice roll is 17 or higher, the target is Jolted.

Monte Carlo: (Kinetic)

On a Critical hit, you regain your Charged Melee.

CATALYST: On a hit where the roll is a 19 or higher, you regain your Charged Melee. You can also use Monte Carlo as a Melee weapon, dealing [1d10] Kinetic damage on a hit.

Quicksilver Storm: (Kinetic)

On a final blow with this weapon, you gain a Quicksilver Grenade. If you fire this Quicksilver Grenade and hit, the grenade bursts upon contact. All creatures of your choice within 5ft. of your target take [1d4] Kinetic damage.

CATALYST: This weapon’s damage is now Strand. At the end of a long rest, you can change between Strand and Kinetic.

Centrifuse: (Arc)

If you use the Dash Action, your next shot forces the target to make a WIS SAVE upon a hit. Failure on the save results in the target being Blinded until the end of their next turn. The target creature has advantage on this particular SAVE.

CATALYST: The target no longer has advantage on the SAVE.

Choir of One: (Void)

This weapon has the Special property. It also has Explosive Payload. If you hit the initial target within 10ft. of you, you deal two additional damage dice, and the Explosive Payload deals 3 damage.

CATALYST: The range for the extra damage feature is increased to 15ft. Additionally, when you score a final blow, roll [1d6] On a 6, your magazine reloads 1 round, and you can make one free attack until the end of that turn.

Cerberus+1: (Kinetic)

This weapon has the Pellet property, but no long range.

CATALYST: This weapon has Long Range.

Sweet Business: (Kinetic)

This weapon is a +0 weapon. Instead, you make 2 Attacks per Attack.

CATALYST: This weapon is a +1 Weapon. Once per long rest, the first attack you make explodes on a hit, and creatures within 5ft. of the target take half the weapon's damage roll.

Vex Mythoclast: (Solar)

Scoring a Final Blow temporarily changes the weapon into a Linear Fusion Rifle for one shot.

CATALYST: While you have a Linear Fusion Shot ready with this weapon, you can move without incurring the Linear Fusion Rifle penalties.

Tommy’s Matchbook: (Solar)

On your first Attack of the turn, you can choose to overheat the weapon. You take [1d6] Solar damage with each attack, but deal an additional damage die.

CATALYST: You take [1d4] Solar damage instead of [1d6]. Additionally, on a hit where the roll is an 19 or higher, the target takes 1 stack of Burn.

Khvostov 7G-0X: (Kinetic)

This weapon is Russian.

It has Strategist, Demolitionist, and Pugilist. At the end of a Long Rest, you can set this weapon to have one of the following: Anti-Barrier, Overload, or Unstoppable rounds.

CATALYST: This weapon is even more Russian. When you score a hit, roll a [1d6]. On a 6, choose two targets within 15ft. of the hit target that you can see. Those creatures also take damage as the shot ricochets.

Fabian Strategy: (Kinetic)

This weapon has Rampage. If the wielder is a Titan, this weapon also has the Lightweight Property.

CATALYST: This weapon has the Guard Property.

Necrochasm: (Corruption)

This weapon has the Precise Property. If you score a final blow with a Precise hit, that creature explodes. Creatures of your choice within 5ft. of the target creature take [1d4] Corruption damage.

Once per turn, if you score a final blow with a Precise hit, you can make one additional attack on that turn.

CATALYST: This weapon has Outlaw.