Weapons: Secondary Perks


Secondary Perks may be swapped out for the right price or favor when you visit a Gunsmith. Ascended Secondary Perks remain Ascended when changed.

Armour-Piercing Rounds:

A weapon with this perk deals an additional [1d4] damage to enemy Shields, and they can be used to bypass Barrier Champion shields. If the shield element matches the weapon’s element, it instead deals an additional [3d4] damage.

ASCENDED: The damage dice are increased respectively to [1d6] and [3d6]

Overload Rounds:

A weapon with this perk can be used to disrupt Overload Champions. If you roll an 18 or higher on the attack roll, the target subtracts a [1d4] from their next attack roll or saving throw.

ASCENDED: The target instead subtracts a [1d6]

Unstoppable Rounds:

A weapon with this perk can be used to disrupt Unstoppable Champions. If you roll an 18 or higher on the attack roll, the target is also shoved 5ft. away.

ASCENDED: The target can be shoved up to 10ft. away.

Stable Rounds:

A weapon with this perk gains a +1 to the attack roll.

ASCENDED: Once per long rest, upon making an Attack, you can choose to add a +2 instead of a +1 to an attack roll.

Accurized Rounds:

A weapon with this perk has its effective range increased by 10ft.

ASCENDED: The range bonus is increased to 15ft.

Ricochet Rounds:

A weapon with this perk can be used to bounce off of surfaces. If you roll an 18 or higher on the attack roll of a creature, choose another creature within 10ft. Of the target creature. That creature takes [1d4] damage of the same damage type.

ASCENDED: The damage die is increased to [1d6]

Seraph Rounds:

A weapon with this rare perk can be charged as an action to fire in a Line that's 5ft. wide and a length equal to the weapon’s effective range. All creatures within that line must make a DEX SAVE. They take the weapon’s damage on a fail, and half damage on a success. Creatures within the line at the weapon’s long range make this SAVE at advantage. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a long rest.

ASCENDED: This feature can be used twice.

Extended Magazine:

This weapon’s magazine is increased by 2.

ASCENDED: The weapon's magazine is increased by 3.

Icarus Grip:

This weapon gains a +1 to attack rolls if the user is in mid-air.

ASCENDED: If you take any fall damage, You can use a reaction to reduce that fall damage by [1d4].

Explosive Payload:

All creatures of your choice within 5ft. of your target take 1 damage if the attack on the initial target hits. If the weapon with this perk is a Sidearm, the affected creatures instead take 2 damage.

ASCENDED: The damage is increased to 2, or 4 if the weapon is a Sidearm.