Weapons: Main Perks


Rampage: Scoring a final blow on a target with this weapon grants a [1d10] to your next attack roll with the same weapon.

ASCENDED: The damage die is [1d12] + 2

Killing Wind: Scoring a final blow on a target with this weapon increases your movement speed by 10ft. for that turn.

ASCENDED: The increased movement speed is not affected by difficult terrain.

Rapid Hit: Landing a shot on a target grants a +1 bonus to your next attack roll on that same target.

ASCENDED: Landing subsequent hits increases the bonus further to a maximum of +2.

Outlaw: Landing a final blow with this weapon immediately reloads this weapon.

ASCENDED: Landing a final blow with this weapon also immediately reloads one weapon in your inventory. You choose which weapon is reloaded.

Frenzy: On the second round of combat after rolling initiative, once per round, you can add a [1d4] to your damage roll. Each subsequent round of combat, the damage die increases by one category, up to a maximum of [1d8]. This bonus ends and resets at the end of a combat encounter. This bonus also ends and resets if you are incapacitated.

ASCENDED: The bonus no longer ends if you are incapacitated.

Adrenaline Junkie: Scoring a kill with this weapon grants an additional damage die to your next Grenade. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until it is used.

ASCENDED: The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Swashbuckler: Making a kill with this weapon grants an additional damage die to your next Melee or Charged Melee. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until it is used.

ASCENDED: The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Subsistence: Scoring a kill with this weapon adds up to 2 rounds to the magazine from reserves. The magazine cannot be overflowed this way.

ASCENDED: Scoring a kill with this weapon adds up to 3 rounds to the magazine from reserves instead.

Surplus: Gain a +1 to your attack rolls with this weapon, but only while you have at least two of the following: a Grenade charge, a Charged Melee charge, or a Class Ability charge.

ASCENDED: You gain the bonus if you have at least one of your ability charges.

Unrelenting: Every second kill you make with this weapon in a single encounter heals the user for [1d4] health.

ASCENDED: The damage die for healing is increased to [1d6]

Osmosis: A Grenade or Charged Melee hit changes the element of this weapon to match the damage type of the Grenade or Charged Melee used. This feature lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to disable it.

ASCENDED: This feature lasts for 10 minutes.

Permeability: When you cast your Class Ability with this weapon equipped, its Damage Type now matches your equipped Subclass, or your Primary Subclass if using a Prismatic Subclass. This feature lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to disable it.

ASCENDED: This feature lasts for 10 minutes.

Unsated Hunger: Gain a +1 to your attack roll, but only while you have no Grenade, Charged Melee, or Class Ability charge.

ASCENDED: The bonus increases to +2

Invisible Hand: If you miss twice in a row, you gain a +1 to your next attack roll. This effect does not stack. If the effect is not used, it vanishes after 1 minute.

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you miss once.

Opening Shot: The first shot you make with this weapon in a combat encounter gains a +2 to its attack roll. You can only benefit from this bonus once per combat encounter.

No Distractions: If the user does not move on their turn, they can gain a +2 bonus to their next attack roll. Once they use this bonus, their movement speed is reduced to 0ft. until the end of that turn.

ASCENDED: This benefit increases to +3.

Thresh: Increases Super Point gain through kills by 1 point.

ASCENDED: Super Point gain increased to 2 points.

Strategist: Making five kills with this weapon recharges your Class Ability.

ASCENDED: You now require four kills instead of five.

Pugilist: Making five kills with this weapon recharges your Charged Melee.

ASCENDED: You now require four kills instead of five.

Demolitionist: Making five kills with this weapon recharges your Grenade.

ASCENDED: You now require four kills instead of five.

Threat Detector: (non-shotguns only) Gain a +1 to all attack rolls when at least three enemies are within 10ft. Of you.

ASCENDED: You gain the bonus if at least three enemies are within 15ft. of you.

Voltshot: (Arc Weapons only) If you score a 19 or higher on the attack roll, the target is Jolted.

ASCENDED: This bonus applies if you roll an 18 or higher.

Destabilizing Rounds: (Void Weapons only) If you score a 19 or higher on the attack roll, the target is Weakened.

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you roll an 18 or higher.

Incandescent: (Solar Weapons Only) If you score a 19 or higher on the attack roll, the target takes one stack of Burn.

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you roll an 18 or higher.

Chill Clip: (Stasis Weapons Only) If you score a 19 or higher on the attack roll, the target takes one stack of Chill.

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you roll an 18 or higher.

Slice: (Strand Weapons Only) If you score a 19 or higher on the attack roll, the target is Severed.

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you roll an 18 or higher.

Explosive Light: If you pick up an Orb of Power, your next attack roll with this weapon deals an additional [2d8] Light damage if it hits. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until it is used.

ASCENDED: The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

Triple Tap: Every third hit made with this weapon returns a round to the magazine from reserves.

ASCENDED: This perk becomes Fourth Time's the Charm: Every four hits made with this weapon returns two rounds to the magazine from reserves.

Kinetic Tremors: (Kinetic Weapons Only) If you score a 19 or higher on the attack roll, you deal an additional [1d4] damage. This damage roll is doubled on a Critical hit.

(NOTE: If Kinetic Tremors activates on a weapon that also has Osmosis active, the bonus damage matches the active element.)

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you roll an 18 or higher.

Eager Edge: (Sword Only)

You can move an additional 5ft. with this Sword equipped. If you score a critical hit with this weapon, you gain 1 charge of Eager Edge. You can spend this charge as an action at any time to teleport up to 100ft. to a location you can see. You can only have 1 charge of Eager Edge at a time.

ASCENDED: You can teleport up to 1000ft. away to a location you can see.

Firing Line: (Firearms Only)

If you are within 5ft. of two or more allies, your weapon attacks deal an additional damage die.

ASCENDED: This effect applies if you are within 10ft. of two or more allies.


Quick Getaway:

If you take damage while this weapon is equipped, your movement speed increases by 5ft. until the end of your next turn. Additionally, the next time you take damage, you reduce that damage by 1d4 for every 5 points of damage you received from the original damage, to a maximum of 3d4.

On Your Feet:

Reviving a Downed or Dead Lightbearer while this weapon is equipped grants 3d6 Hitpoints to both you and the target Lightbearer.

Chain Breaker (Arc Only)

If you score a final blow with this weapon, creatures of your choice within 5ft. of the target get Jolted. If the subsequent Jolt kills at least three targets on the same turn, you generate an Orb of Power.

Frontal Force: (Shotguns, Swords, and Fusion Rifles Only)

If you deal maximum damage with this weapon, the target creature becomes Stunned until the end of their next turn.