Damage Types & Unique Status Conditions


Different Subclass Element features may inflict affiliated status conditions on creatures. Below is a list of the status conditions associated with each element. If a creature is resistant to a specific damage element, they are immune to the respective Status Condition. For instance, a creature resistant to Void damage cannot be Weakened.

Weaken/Weakened: Void-specific. A creature that is Weakened takes an additional [1d12] Void damage on the next hit against them. The effect ends immediately afterwards.

Jolt/Jolted: Arc-specific. A Jolted creature emits an Instantaneous chain of lightning to any allied creature within 10ft. that is within line of sight from the creature. All affected creatures take [1d6] Arc damage.

Burn/Burned: Solar-specific. A creature can accumulate up to 6 stacks of Burn. At the start of the creature’s next turn, for every stack of Burn they have, they take [1d4] Solar damage. They lose all stacks of Burn immediately after taking this damage. If a creature accumulates 6 stacks of Burn at once, they immediately Ignite and explode in a 15ft. radius. If you are the one triggering the explosion, all creatures of your choice within the radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [6d6] Solar damage. Creatures take half damage on a successful save. If a creature explodes in this way, they lose all stacks of Burn immediately.

Chill/Chilled: Stasis-specific. As long as they have at least one stack of Chill, an affected creature has disadvantage on their next attack roll and their speed is reduced by half until the end of their next turn. If a creature is affected by Chill three times before the start of their next turn, they are Encased.

Encased: Stasis-specific. Encased creatures are Restrained in Stasis crystals until the end of their next turn. While Encased, a creature has resistance to all damage except Bludgeoning, Light, Solar, and Dark damage. If a creature is hit specifically by Bludgeoning or Solar damage, they are no longer Encased.

Blight/Blighted: Corruption-specific. A Blighted creature takes [1d8] Corruption Damage at the start of their next turn, and cannot distinguish between friend and foe. They must spend their Action and Movement to move up to their maximum movement towards and spend their action to take one Attack against the nearest creature, After the single attack, they regain composure.

Severed: Strand-specific. A Severed creature's damage rolls from attacks are halved until the end of their next turn. Additionally, when they roll damage for an ability that forces a SAVE, roll 2d8, and subtract the result from the total damage. A creature remained Severed until the end of their next turn.

Suspend/Suspended: Strand-specific. A Suspended creature has their movement speed reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. A Suspended creature also cannot use Somatic components when casting spells if they need them.