Damage Types & Unique Status Conditions


Lightbearers generally experience the following damage types, and enemies can be vulnerable to one and resist another. If the setting is something other than specifically Destiny, each damage type is listed with the equivalent.

Elemental Shields: If an enemy creature has an Elemental Shield, that shield is vulnerable to the damage type matching the shield. If a shield is destroyed by an unmatched attack and there is extra damage to be applied, that remaining damage is not applied. However, If a shield is destroyed from matched damage, the creature takes the remaining damage.

Kinetic: (Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing) Non-magical, normal attack, with no amplifying light to speak of. Very common and reliable. Elemental Shields resist this damage type. Most weapons deal Kinetic damage.

Solar: (Fire) Blistering flame, honed from the light of stars throughout the universe.

Arc: (Lightning) Harmony Within, Hurricane Without. Electrical currents at the atomic level can be wielded with the power of the Light.

Void: (Force) Reality-tearing energy reminiscent of the space between light and dark.

Stasis: (Cold) Sub-zero crystalline formations much like ice, but dark in nature. It is an element of control and rigidity.

Strand: (Psychic): Psychic, thread-like energy that weaves throughout existence, connecting all things within and without the universe. The ability to manipulate these strings requires the ability to simply go with the flow.

Corruption: (Poison) Rapid corroding energies reminiscent of Void, but Dark in nature. The venomous effect of Weapons of Sorrow and a Hive Wizard’s poison field are examples of Corruption damage.

Entropy/Entropic: (Acid) The degradation of all things over time in space. This may be used as a damage type for certain raid mechanics, traps, or being stranded in the depths of space.

Light: (Radiant) Typeless Light damage, Very little resists this damage type. Unique artifacts like The Aegis and weapon attacks while in a Well of Radiance are examples of sources that deal Light damage.

Dark: (Necrotic) Typeless Dark damage. Very little resists this damage type. Taken Blight and the Sword of Crota are examples of sources that deal Dark Damage.

(NOTE: I'm aware about Aasimars resisting radiant and necrotic meaning they'll probably be able to resist both Light and Dark... ... ... oh well!)