
Original Race/Heritage

Lightbearers retain the physiology of their Original Race/Heritage when they are risen in the Light. Choose from the following list of Destiny-themed Races, and gain their respective features:


Size: Small or Medium

The Root where the Awoken and the Exos branched from. Humans are the core sapient species of Sol.

  • Choose two skills or tool you are proficient with, you gain Expertise on that skill or tool.


Size: Small or Medium

Your mere existence rides the lines between Light and Dark. Some hold ancient secrets kept away within Awoken settlements like the Dreaming City, others are distant cousins who had left and died a long time ago.

  • Your affinity to these polar opposites gives resilience against magical effect. When you are forced to make a SAVE against a magical effect, you can choose to gain advantage against that SAVE. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.


Size: Medium

Some Humans shed their shells of flesh to embrace the machine, originally developed by an egotist inspired and influenced by Dark power.

  • You do not need to breathe.

  • You can use your reaction to reduce incoming damage by [1d4+CON], to a minimum of 1. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your PB. At 10th level, you instead reduce incoming damage by [1d10+CON]. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.


Size: Medium or Large

An immense Space Rhino from the old world of Torobatl. Your origins may be one of the Empire’s fallen, a Loyalist- slain or executed, or even a Siege Dancer buried in the dunes of Mars.

  • You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

  • You gain advantage on Strength-based skill checks.

Alternatively, you may also choose to be a Psion. Instead of the above features, you instead gain the following:

Size: Small, Medium, or Large

  • You have Telepathy to a range of 10ft. multiplied by your Level. You can also use a Bonus Action to choose a number of creatures equal to twice your Level. All chosen creatures can choose to speak telepathically to each other for a number of hours equal to your Level. Creatures must be within the same range with each other in order to communicate this way. The connection to a shared telepathy also ends early for a creature if they are farther than 1 mile away from you, or are transported into a different plane of existence. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.


Size: Small or Medium

Originally meant to be blessed by the Traveller eons ago, some have rejected the Darkness and Sword Logic to find a new means of longevity, away from their tithing Worm Gods.

  • Your affinity for the Darkness grants you Magical Darkvision up to a distance of 60ft.

  • Choose one among History, Arcana, or Religion. You have advantage on those checks when investigating Hive lore, magic, or apocrypha.


Size: Small, Medium, or Large

Some Fallen chose to reject the life of piracy and hatred, instead seeking to make peace with those who the Traveler chose. Some may have been risen from old Human-Eliksni battlefields across Sol, or were revived under the banner of House Light.

  • You have a Movement Speed of 40ft.

  • You can naturally Spider-climb on walls and ceilings, and be able to have two free hands while you do so.


If you choose another Race/Heritage from a different source material, you must choose one Racial/Inherited Feature from that source material. For instance, a Half-Orc Lightbearer may retain either their Darkvision or Relentless Endurance, but not both.