

These options can be picked regardless of subclass.

Handheld Supernova

When you use your Grenade, you can instead convert your Grenade into a blast of energy. This blast covers a 30ft. Cone originating from yourself. All creatures of your choice within the cone must make a DEX SAVE or take [5d8] damage matching your LightSubclass Element. Once you use your Grenade this way, you can’t use it again until the end of a Long Rest.

Ballistic/Phoenix/Quickfall Dive

(The name depends on the Class: Titan, Warlock, and Hunter respectively)

While in mid-air, you can instantly drop to the ground at a point within your movement range. Upon impact on the ground, any creature of your choice within 5ft. Of the landing point must make a DEX SAVE or take [2d4] damage of your Subclass element and are shoved 5ft. Away from you. On a failed save, they take half of the damage and are not shoved. You can use this feature as many times as your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Ionic Blink

At the end of a Super, you can immediately teleport up to 40ft. Away to a point you can see.

Whirlwind Guard

Upon casting a Super, you have resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Gambler’s Special

At the end of your Super, roll [1d20]. On a 20, you gain 100 Super Points.


Your maximum Orb of Power generation via any Super is increased by 2.

Momentum Control

Casting your Super immediately recharges one of three abilities of your choice: Charged Melee, Grenade, or Class Ability.