Strand Threads

Strand Threads

Thread of Ascent

Casting or Consuming your Grenade reloads your equipped weapon as long as you have the ammo. Additionally, your next attack made while in mid-air is made with Advantage.

Thread of Binding

Scoring a final blow with your Super causes a blast of Strand energy in a 30ft. radius centered on the defeated creature. All creatures of your choice within this radius must make a DEX SAVE or be Suspended.

Thread of Evolution

All Threadling-related ranges are increased by 10ft. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Additionally, when a Threadling damages a target, roll [1d4]. On a 4, the target is Severed.

Thread of Finality

Once per turn, scoring a final blow on an enemy spawns a Threadling. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Thread of Fury

If your Charged Melee does not cause Suspend on a target, it now does.

Additionally, if your Charged Melee Suspends a target, it also Severs the target.

Thread of Generation

If you gain 10 Super Points on a single round, you regain your Grenade. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

Thread of Mind

Scoring a final blow against a Suspended or Severed target recharges your Class Ability.

Thread of Propagation

Casting your Class Ability generates 2 Threadlings at the point where you cast. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Thread of Rebirth

If you deal damage with your Charged Melee or Grenade, roll [1d20]. On an 18 or higher, you generate 1 Threadling around the closest enemy you damage. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Thread of Transmutation

As a bonus action, you can generate 1 perched Threadling. You can hold onto this Threadling until it is used. You can use this feature twice, and regain both uses at the end of a Long Rest. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Thread: Banner of War

If you defeat a target with any Melee attack, or a Sword, you generate an incorporeal Banner of War on your back. The Banner emits a 10ft. sphere centered on yourself. This sphere lasts for 3 turns, ending at the end of your third turn. Creatures of your choice deal an additional damage die with their Attacks while within the sphere.

Thread: Weavewalk

As a bonus action, you can spend one Charged Melee charge to enter the Weave. This effect may last up to 1 minute. While in the Weave, you are Invisible, you cannot Attack, or use your Grenade or Super. At the start of each turn while in the Weave, you generate 1 Threadling perched on yourself. You can leave the Weave early as a bonus action, or upon casting your Class Ability.

Thread: Whirling Maelstrom

Once per turn, when you inflict the Suspend or Sever status condition on a target, all creatures of your choice within 10ft. of the target takes [2d8] Strand damage.

Thread of Warding

If you pick up an Orb of Power, you gain resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Thread of Wisdom

Scoring a final blow against a Suspended target generates an Orb of Power.

Thread: Drengr's Lash

When you cast your Class Ability, choose a target within 40ft. That creature, and every creature of your choice within 5ft. Of that creature must make a DEX SAVE or be Suspended.

Thread: Ensnaring Slam

While in mid-air, you can instantly drop to the ground at a point within your movement range. Upon impact on the ground, any creature of your choice within 15ft. Of the landing point must make a DEX SAVE or take [2d8] Strand damage and become Suspended. On a failed SAVE, they take half damage and are not Suspended. You can use this feature as many times as your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Thread: Into the Fray

If you hit a creature with your Charged Melee, choose up to two creatures within 15ft. Of you, which can include yourself. Both creatures gain resistance to all damage except Light and Dark until the end of your next turn.

Thread: Mindspun Invocation

Consuming your Grenade also generates 2 Threadlings on yourself.

Thread: Weaver's Call

If you cast your Class Ability, you generate 3 Threadlings within 20ft. Of yourself. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Thread: Widow's Silk

You gain Spider-climb, can walk on walls and ceilings, and can have both hands free when you do so.

Additionally, if your Grenade does not already apply Suspend on a failed SAVE, it now does so.

If the Grenade uses an attack roll, it applies Sever on a hit instead.

Thread of Isolation

When you make an Attack, you can choose to force the target to make a WIS SAVE. On a failure, the target is Severed. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Thread of Continuity

Suspend or Sever effects caused by you last an additional turn.

Thread: Threaded Specter

When you cast your Class Ability, you may generate a decoy in a space within 10ft. of the space where you cast your Class Ability. Any creature within 30ft. of this decoy while it is active must make a WIS SAVE on their turn. On a fail, they must target the decoy with their next Attack. If the decoy takes any damage, it vanishes and 2 Threadlings are created in its space. These Threadling belongs to you for the purposes of Threadling rules. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)

Thread: Flechette Storm

When you make a hit with your Charged Melee, you may target an additional creature within 15ft. of you. Roll another attack roll. On a hit, you deal your Charged Melee damage.

Additionally, your Charged Melee applies Sever on a hit if it does not do so already.

Thread: The Wanderer

When you generate a Threadling from any source, You generate 1 additional Threadling. If your Super Energy is above 80, you generate 2 additional threadlings instead. (See Broodweaver for details on Threadlings.)