Stasis Whispers

Stasis Whispers

Whisper of Bonds

If an Encased target dies while within 20ft. Of the Lightbearer, the Lightbearer gains [3d10] Super Points.

Whisper of Chains

While you are within 10ft. Of a Stasis Construct or an Encased creature and you take damage, you gain 2 stacks of Frost Armor.

Whisper of Conduction

Once per round, if a creature Chilled by one of your abilities gets hit with a Grenade or Charged Melee of a non-Stasis element from another Lightbearer, that creature takes an additional stack of Chill.

Whisper of Durance

When you Chill a target, roll [1d6]. On a 6, the target takes two stacks of Chill instead. If you roll a 1, you instead gain 1 stack of Frost Armor.

Whisper of Fissures

When an Encased target is killed while within 60ft. Of you, they explode. All creatures of your choice within 5ft. Of the killed target takes [3d6] Stasis damage.

Whisper of Fractures

If you apply Chill to a target while within 5ft. Of at least two other hostile creatures, you regain your Charged Melee.

Whisper of Hedrons

When you apply Chill to a target, you gain +1 to your attack rolls and SAVEs until the start of your next turn.

Whisper of Hunger

If you consume your Grenade, you also gain 6 stacks of Frost Armor.

Whisper of Impetus

When you apply Chill to a target, your weapon reloads instantly if it has the Reload property. On that same turn, and your bonus action is available, you can make one attack as a bonus action.

Whisper of Refraction

If you score the final blow on an enemy that you applied at least one stack of Chill to, or if said final blow would apply Chill, you regain your Class Ability charge.

Whisper of Rending

Your Kinetic Weapons deal an additional [1d4] Kinetic damage to Chilled targets and Stasis Constructs. Your Kinetic Weapons deal an additional [3d4] Kinetic damage to Encased targets.

Whisper of Rime

If a creature affected by Chill dies while within 15ft. of you, you gain 1 stack of Frost Armor per stack of Chill. An Encased creature counts as 3 stacks.

Whisper of Torment

If your Hitpoints reach 0, you recharge your Grenade instantly. Once you benefit from this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a Long Rest.

Whisper of Reversal

If you take or deal physical melee damage, you can choose to immediately gain 1 stack of Frost Armor. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a short or long rest.

Whisper: Bleak Watcher

When you consume your Grenade, you manifest a Stasis turret that hovers around you for 1 minute. On the turn it manifests, and at the start of each of your turns, you can fire 1 shot from the Stasis turret, using your MASMod. On a hit, the target takes [1d4] Stasis damage and takes one stack of Chill.

Whisper: Cryoclasm

You have advantage on Arcana and Investigation checks. Additionally, your maximum stacks of Frost Armor increases to 8.

Whisper: Diamond Lance

If a Chilled creature dies while within 60ft. Of you, they drop a Diamond Lance, which is a Tiny object that can be picked up. The Lance has the Thrown property and has a range of 30ft./60ft. The Lance lasts for 1 minute, where it disappears. When it is thrown, the Diamond Lance explodes in a 15ft. Sphere. All creatures of the user’s choice must make a DEX SAVE based on your SAVE DC. (as the creator of the Lance.) On a failed SAVE, a creature takes [4d8] Stasis damage and takes one stack of Chill. On a successful save, they take half that damage and are not Chilled.

Whisper: Frostpulse Shroud

Casting your Class Ability creates a pulse of Stasis energy. Any creature of your choice that is within 15ft. Of you upon casting your Class Ability takes [1d4] Stasis damage and takes 2 stacks of Chill.

Whisper: Glacial Harvest

When you apply Chill to a target. Roll [1d20]. On a 20, you regain your choice of Charged Melee, Grenade, or Class Ability.

Whisper: Howl of the Storm

You can choose to have your Charged Melee unleash a 15ft. Cone. Creatures of your choice within the cone must make a DEX SAVE or take the Charged Melee damage.

Whisper: Iceflare Bolts

When you hit at least 1 creature with a Charged Melee or a Grenade, choose a target within 60ft. Of one of the damaged creatures that you can see. That target also takes the damage applied by either the Charged Melee or the Grenade. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Whisper: Shatterdive

While in mid-air, you can instantly drop to the ground at a point within your movement range. Upon impact on the ground, any creature of your choice within 5ft. Of the landing point must make a DEX SAVE or take [2d4] Stasis damage and take 1 stack of Chill. On a failed SAVE, they take half damage and are not shoved. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Whisper: Touch of Winter

All your Stasis Grenades now apply 1 stack of Chill. If your Grenade already applies 1 stack of Chill, they instead apply 2 stacks.

Whisper of Shards

If you Encase a target, you recharge your Grenade.

Whisper of Chill

If you score a final blow with a Stasis weapon, you gain 1 stack of Frost Armor.