Void Echoes


Echo of Cessation

When you cast your Class Ability while at least one hostile creature is within 5ft., you can choose one hostile creature. That creature is shoved [1d12] feet away from you at the time of casting. (Minimum of 5ft.)

Echo of Dilation

You gain advantage on Perception checks and Stealth checks.

Echo of Domineering

If you apply Weaken to a target, your movement speed increases by 10ft. until the end of your turn.

Echo of Exchange

If you kill a target with your Charged Melee, they regain their Grenade charge.

Echo of Expulsion

Targets killed by Void abilities explode. All creatures of the your choice within 5ft. Of the exploding target take an additional [1d6] Void damage.

Echo of Harvest

If you score a final blow on a Weakened target, you generate an Orb of Power. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to their PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Echo of Instability

If you apply Weaken to a target, their next weapon attack hit deals an additional [2d4] Void damage.

Echo of Leeching

If you score a final blow with your Charged Melee, you and all creatures of their choice within 30ft. of you heal [3d4] damage.

Echo of Obscurity

As a bonus action, you can give yourself Void-based Invisibility. This Invisibility lasts until the end of your current turn, or until you make an Attack action. You can do this a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Echo of Persistence

Void-based Invisibility effects on yourself last until the end of your next turn, rather than the end of your current turn.

Echo of Provision

If three or more creatures are damaged by a Grenade, you regain your Charged Melee.

Echo of Trapper's Ambush

As an action, you can drop a smoke bomb at your feet. All creatures of your choice within 10ft. Gain Void Invisibility until the end of their next turn. This invisibility cancels early once they make an attack. You can use this a number of times equal to their PB, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Echo of Vanishing Step

When you cast your Class Ability, you gain Void-based Invisibility until the end of your current turn.

Echo of Remnants

If your Void Grenade has a duration that isn’t Instantaneous, they last one more round. For instance, if a Grenade lasts for 2 rounds, they last for 3 instead.

Echo of Reprisal

If a target within 10ft. of you dies while within 5ft. Of three or more hostile creatures, you gain [2d10] Super Energy.

Echo of Starvation

Picking up an Orb of Power grants Devour. The next time you hit an enemy with an attack, you heal for half the damage that the attack deals.

Echo of Undermining

Your Void Grenades Weaken targets if they fail their SAVEs.

Echo of Vigilance

If a creature dies while within 5ft. of you, you gain 10 temporary hit points.

Echo of Bastion

You, or one creature of your choice that’s within 10ft. Of you when you cast your Class Ability gains 15 Temporary Hitpoints. If the Lightbearer is level 10 or higher, you may pick two creatures.

Echo of Chaos Accelerant

Your Grenade damage increases by [1d8]. If your LightLevel 10 or higher, the damage instead increases by [3d8].

Echo of the Child of the Old Gods

When you casts your Class Ability, you can create a Void Soul. On your next attack hit, the Void Soul flies forward to the point of the hit target and bursts in a 15ft. Sphere. All creatures of your choice within the sphere take [1d6] Void damage, and you heal for half the total damage.

Echo of Controlled Demolition

When you uses your Grenade. Roll [1d20]. On a 20, you instantly recharge your Grenade.

Echo of Feed the Void

When you consume your Grenade, their next attack roll that hits also heals you for the amount of damage that they deal.

Echo of Offensive Bulwark

When you cast your Class Ability, you and all creatures of your choice within 10ft. Gain resistance to the next instance of damage they take. This effect lasts for 1 minute for each creature.

Echo of the Stylish Executioner

If you score a final blow with any Melee attack, you can flourish to enchant enemies around you. All creatures of your choice within 10ft. Must make a WIS SAVE or be Stunned until the end of their next turn. You can use this feature twice per Long Rest.

Echo of the Unbreakable