Arc Sparks


Spark of Amplitude

Scoring a final blow with your Grenade generates an Orb of Power. You can only create one Orb per turn this way.

Spark of Beacons

You can use a bonus action to supercharge your equipped weapon with Arc energy. This supercharge lasts for 1 minute. The next attack you make with the weapon- whether it hits or misses- may force the target to make a DEX SAVE. On a fail, they are Blinded until the end of their next turn.

Spark of Brilliance

Scoring a final blow with your Charged Melee causes a blinding explosion. All creatures of your choice within 10ft. Of yourself must make a DEX SAVE or be Blinded until the start of your next turn.

Spark of Feedback

If you are hit by a melee attack by another creature, your next melee hit on your next turn deals an additional [3d4] Arc damage.

Spark of Focus

If you use the Dash Action on your turn, you regain your Class Ability. Once you use this feature, you cannot benefit from this again until the end of a long rest.

Spark of Frequency

Your Charged Melee hit instantly reloads all your weapons as long as you have the ammunition available. Your next Melee attack afterward deals an additional [2d4] Arc damage.

Spark of Haste

If you hit a target creature with your Charged Melee, you gain an additional 20ft. Movement Speed until the end of your turn. Additionally, your movement for that turn does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Spark of Instinct

If your health reaches half your maximum health, you immediately emit an electrifying nova that covers a 20ft. Sphere. Any creature of your choice within the sphere takes [3d4] Arc damage.

Additionally, if your health reaches 0, you emit this nova again, but deal [6d4] Arc damage with the nova.

If you use one of these features, you cannot use the same feature again until the end of a long rest.

Spark of Ions

If you hit at least 2 more creatures with Jolt, choose your Charged Melee, Grenade, or Class Ability. You regain that ability charge. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a long rest.

Spark of Magnitude

You gain a second Grenade charge. This Grenade charge only comes back at the end of a long rest, and cannot come back through other means.

Spark of Momentum

You can take the Dash Action as a bonus action as many times as your PB. Once all uses are spent, you can’t use this feature again until the end of a long rest.

Additionally, if you use this feature while your health is less than half of its maximum, you emit an energizing pulse. You and any number of creatures of your choice within 15ft. Of you gain an additional 10ft. Movement speed until the end of their next turn.

Spark of Recharge

If your health reaches 0, choose two between your Charged Melee, Grenade, and Class Ability. You recharge those two abilities. You cannot benefit from this again until the end of a long rest.

Spark of Resistance

If you are within 10ft. Of two or more hostile creatures, you gain resistance to damage from those hostile creatures.

Spark of Shock

Your Arc Grenades apply Jolt to targets that fail their SAVE.

Spark of Volts

If you score the final blow on a target creature while they are within 15ft. Of you, you can immediately move up to an additional 15ft. Additionally, you heal [1d4] damage. You can benefit from this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Spark: Arc Soul

When you consume your Grenade, you manifest an Arc Soul that hovers around you for 1 minute. On the turn it manifests, and at the start of each of your turns, you can fire 1 shot from the Arc Soul, using the Lightbearer’s MASMod. On a hit, the target takes [1d6] Arc damage.

Spark: Electrostatic Mind

When you score a final blow with your Arc abilities, roll a [1d20]. On a 10 or higher, you generate an Orb of Power.

(NOTE: This also counts for Arc-related damage caused by Exotics that rely on the spending of an Ability charge- such as Vesper of Radius-enhanced Rifts)

Spark: Flow State

Applying Jolt increases your movement speed by 10ft., which lasts until the end of your next turn. This refreshes if you apply Jolt again.

Spark: Juggernaut

If you move at least 15ft. In a single turn and end your movement within 5ft. Of an enemy, you gain resistance to all damage from that enemy, up to a maximum of 3 enemies.

Creatures of your choice that are within 5ft. Of you when you end your movement for that turn must make a WIS SAVE, or have disadvantage on all attacks on creatures other than you until the end of your next turn.

Spark: Knockout

Killing a creature with your Charged Melee heals you for [3d8] damage.

Also, when you score a killing blow with your Melee or Charged Melee, roll a [1d20]. On a 19 or higher, you regain your Charged Melee.

Spark: Lethal Current

Hitting a creature with your Charged Melee forces them to make a CON SAVE. A creature is Blinded on a fail.

Additionally, your Charged Melee deals an additional [1d6] Arc Damage.

Spark: Lightning Surge

When you make a Melee attack, you can teleport up to 10ft. to a point you can see. You can use this teleport a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Spark: Tempest Strike

You can choose to have your Charged Melee unleash a 15ft. Cone. Creatures of your choice within the cone must make a DEX SAVE or take the Charged Melee damage.

Spark: Touch of Thunder

If you consume your Grenade, you can quadruple the damage dice of your next Charged Melee.

Spark of Discharge

If you’re hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to emit a pulse of Arc energy. This pulse energizes you and every creature of your choice within 20ft. Until the end of the Lightbearer’s next turn, all affected creatures gain an additional 15ft. of movement for their turn. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of a short or long rest.