
Unless otherwise stated: for every DEX SAVE relating to Grenades, successful SAVES will still result in half damage. Successful SAVES will also prevent the application of status conditions such as Burn or Chill.

Note: You can only pick one Grenade Aspect at a time, and only if they match with your Lightbearer Subclass


Grenade: Arcbolt [ARC]

This Grenade does not explode when it reaches the target space. Instead, it produces 3 Arcbolts that shoot directly towards targets as long as they are within line of sight from the origin point. Choose up to three different creatures within 40ft. of the origin point. The Arcbolts each deal [3d4] Arc Damage on a failed SAVE.

Grenade: Pulse [ARC]

Your Grenade creates a damaging sphere with a radius of 15ft. This Sphere lasts for 2 rounds. (12 seconds.) When a creature of your choice first enters or starts their turn within the sphere, they must make the SAVE or take [2d8] Arc damage.

Grenade: Skip [ARC]

This Grenade does not explode when it reaches the target space. Instead, it produces 3 Arc seekers that track targets. These seekers can move around walls and ignore cover. Choose three different targets within 40ft. of the origin point. The Seekers each deal [2d6] Arc Damage on a failed SAVE.

Grenade: Storm [ARC]

This Grenade explodes as normal. A creature that fails their SAVE takes an additional [1d6] Arc damage at the start of their next two turns, unless they take the Dash action to move away from the original radius.

Grenade: Flashbang [ARC]

This Grenade does no damage. Instead, any creature of the Lightbearer's choice within the Grenade radius must make the SAVE or be Blinded until the end of their next turn.

Grenade: Flux [ARC]

Your Grenade has a radius of 5ft., and the damage increases by [2d8].


Grenade: Magnetic [VOID]

Your Grenade has a radius of 5ft., and the damage increases by [2d8].

Grenade: Axion Bolt [VOID]

This Grenade does not explode when it reaches the target space. Instead, it produces 2 Axion Bolts that track targets. These seekers can move around walls and ignore cover. Choose two different targets within 40ft. of the origin point. The Seekers each deal [2d8] Void Damage.

Grenade: Suppressor [VOID]

A creature that fails its SAVE against this Grenade also cannot take reactions or bonus actions until the end of their next turn.

Grenade: Voidspike [VOID]

Your Grenade explodes in a 20ft. Cone perpendicular to a surface you stick the Grenade onto. Any creature of your choice within the cone that fails the SAVE takes [3d8] Void damage.

Grenade: Voidwall [VOID]

Your Grenade explodes in a 50ft. long and 5ft. wide line perpendicular to the line between yourself and the point you throw the Grenade. This line lasts for 2 rounds and is considered difficult terrain. Any creature of your choice that first enters or starts their turn within the line takes [2d8] Void Damage on a failed SAVE.

Grenade: Vortex [VOID]

Your Grenade creates a damaging sphere with a radius of 15ft. This Sphere lasts for 2 rounds. (12 seconds.) When a creature of your choice first enters or starts their turn within the sphere, they take [2d8] Void damage on a failed SAVE.


Grenade: Solar [SOLAR]

Your Grenade creates a damaging sphere with a radius of 15ft. This Sphere lasts for 2 rounds. (12 seconds.) When a creature of your choice first enters or starts their turn within the sphere, they take [2d8] Solar damage and take 1 stack of Burn on a failed SAVE.

Grenade: Swarm [SOLAR]

This Grenade does not explode when it reaches the target space. Instead, it produces 6 Solar seekers that track targets. These seekers can move around walls and ignore cover. Choose up to six targets within 40ft. of the origin point. Each seeker deals [1d6] Solar Damage.

Grenade: Thermite [SOLAR]

The Grenade explodes at the target point and spreads along the ground in a 50ft. long, 5ft. wide Line away from yourself. Creatures damaged by this Grenade take [4d6] Solar damage.

Grenade: Tripmine [SOLAR]

Your Grenade latches onto a point and becomes Invisible. This Grenade remains in place for 8 hours. You can set this Grenade to explode when a target creature enters the radius, or you can set the Grenade to explode manually with your reaction.

Grenade: Healing [SOLAR]

Your Grenade radius is 15ft. Any number of creatures of your choice within the radius heals [3d8] damage.

Grenade: Fusion [SOLAR]

Your Grenade has a radius of 5ft., and the damage increases by [2d8].

Grenade: Incendiary [SOLAR]

Your Grenade applies two stacks of Burn to each target if they fail their SAVE.

Grenade: Firebolt [SOLAR]

This Grenade does not explode when it reaches the target space. Instead, it produces 3 Firebolts that shoot directly towards targets as long as they are within line of sight from the perspective of the origin point. Choose up to three different targets within 40ft. of the origin point. The Firebolts each deal [3d6] Solar Damage and apply one stack of Burn.


Grenade: Grapple [STRAND]

Choose a point in space you can see within 60ft. You pull yourself to that point. You can target a creature, or a point of space in mid-air. If you target a space in mid-air, you begin to fall from that space. If you have Glide movement, you may use that movement to modify your falling trajectory. If you target a creature, that creature must make the SAVE or take [3d8] Strand damage. Whether they save or not, you still pull yourself to an unoccupied space within 5ft. to the creature.

Grenade: Threadling [STRAND]

Your Grenade does not explode in a radius. Instead it spawns 5 Threadlings at the point you throw the Grenade at.

(See Broodweaver for more details on Threadlings)

Grenade: Shackle [STRAND]

Any creature of your choice that is caught up in the radius when they fail their SAVE is also Suspended.


Grenade: Coldsnap Grenade [STASIS]

This Grenade does not explode when it reaches the target space. Instead, it produces 3 Coldsnaps that track targets. These coldsnaps can move around walls and ignore cover. Choose up to three targets within 40ft. of the origin point. The Coldsnaps each deal [1d8] Stasis Damage and apply one stack of Chill.

Grenade: Duskfield Grenade [STASIS]

This Grenade creates a 20ft. Radius field of Stasis energy that lasts until the end of your next turn. Choose any number of targets. The radius is considered difficult terrain for them. If a target starts their turn within the field, they must make the SAVE or take [3d4] Stasis damage and one stack of Chill.

Grenade: Glacier [STASIS]

The Grenade does not explode, instead it creates 3 Stasis Constructs that each take up a 5ft. space. They can be arranged however the Lightbearer chooses, but these Stasis constructs cannot be more than 5ft. from another one Stasis construct. If a Stasis construct is created on the same space as a creature, the creature is shoved to the nearest unoccupied space available. A creature shoved this way takes [2d6] Stasis damage and one stack of Chill on a failed SAVE.