
Threadrunner (Strand Hunter)

Super: Silkstrike

The Hunter temporarily replaces their equipped weapon with a Rope Blade for 3 rounds. (18 seconds.) The Rope Blade is a +5 melee weapon with a 40ft. Reach that deals [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Strand damage with each attack. If you hit a creature with this attack, you can choose to immediately pull yourself to an unoccupied space within 5ft. Of the target. Additionally, while this super is active, the Hunter does not provoke opportunity attacks.

For every kill, an orb of power is generated up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Threaded Spike

Range 20ft./40ft.

This knife can be used to target up to three creatures. The first attack roll is normal, while the second attack roll takes a -3 penalty to hit, and the third attack roll takes a -6 penalty to hit. Each target hit by the Threaded Spike must make a DEX SAVE or be Suspended.