
Revenant (Stasis Hunter)

Super: Silence & Squall

The Hunter throws out two larger Stasis sickles at the same time.

The first sickle thrown emits a 10ft. Sphere centered on a point the Hunter can see. All creatures of the Hunter’s choice must make a DEX SAVE or take [4d10 + GLevel + PB] Stasis Damage on a failed save. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage.

The second sickle emits a 15ft. Sphere centered on a point the Hunter can see and lasts for 2 rounds. (12 seconds) As a bonus action, the sphere can be moved up to 20ft. If a hostile creature enters or starts their turn within the second sickle’s sphere, they must make a DEX SAVE, or take [2d12] Stasis damage and one stack of Chill. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage.

For every kill, an orb of power is generated, up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Stasis Shuriken

Range 20ft./40ft.

You launch two shurikens at once, and can target two creatures or the same creature. On a hit, a creature takes one stack of Chill.