
Nightstalker (Void Hunter)

Super: Shadowshot

The Hunter fires a void arrow at a point within 60ft., or at a hostile creature. On a hit on a creature, the arrow does [3d10 + GLevel + PB] Void Damage. If the attack misses, the arrow instead strikes the same space occupied by the targeted creature, Regardless if it hits an enemy or not, the void arrow erupts in tethering energy within a 25ft. Radius. This tether lasts for 3 rounds, (18 seconds) ending on the Hunter’s turn on the third round.

While the Tether is erupted, the Radius is considered Difficult Terrain to all creatures of the Hunter’s choice within the radius.

All creatures of the Hunter’s choice that are within this radius when it erupts must make a DEX SAVE or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. If you successfully hit a creature with the arrow, that target will have disadvantage on the Saving Throw.

Any hostile creatures who first enter or start their turn within this radius takes [2d8] void damage. Additionally, while they are within this radius, they are Weakened.

If a creature dies while within the radius, they drop an Orb of Power. There is no maximum limit for orb generation with this Super. (Drink deep, my friends.)

Super: Spectral Blades

The Hunter draws dual knives that barely contain immense Void energy, which temporarily replace their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. While Invisible, the Hunter's movement speed is doubled.

The Spectral Blades are a +5 Weapon and deal [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Void damage on a hit.

As a bonus action, the Hunter can make an extra Attack that deals [1d10 + GLevel + PB] Void damage on a hit. If this bonus attack hits, the Hunter can turn Invisible.

For each kill directly made by the Super, an Orb of Power is generated, up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Smoke Bomb

Range 15ft./30ft.

A creature hit by the smoke bomb must make a DEX SAVE or be Blinded until the end of the Hunter’s next turn.

If an allied creature is hit by the smoke bomb, attacks rolls against them have disadvantage until the end of their next turn. The Hunter can target themselves in this way as well.