
Arcstrider (Arc Hunter)

Super: Arc Staff / Gathering Storm

The Hunter temporarily replaces their equipped weapon with the devastating Arc Staff for 3 rounds. (18 seconds) While they have the Arc Staff equipped, the Hunter’s movement speed is doubled and they do not provoke opportunity attacks. The Arc Staff is a +4 melee weapon that deals [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Arc damage with each attack. Additionally, while this super is active, the Hunter does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Alternatively, when the Hunter first casts their Arc Super, they can instead throw the Arc Staff to a target creature or a surface they can see within 90ft. The Arc staff explodes in Arc energy in a 20ft. Sphere. Any creature of your choice within the sphere must make a DEX SAVE or take [8d10 + GLevel + PB] Arc damage, and are Jolted. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage and are not Jolted.

In either case, for every kill, an orb of power is generated up to a maximum of 5.

Super: Storm's Edge

(WIP until Final Shape drops)

Charged Melee: Enhanced Fist

On a hit, the creature is Jolted.