
Gunslinger (Solar Hunter)

Super: Golden Gun

A flaming +5 Revolver materializes in the Hunter’s hand, temporarily replacing their current equipped weapon. The Golden Gun has a range of 90ft. The Hunter uses an action to take three ranged attacks at any three targets they wish. On each hit, the Golden Gun deals [3d10 + GLevel + PB] Solar damage. Once three shots have been fired, the Super ends.

For each final blow, the Hunter generates an orb of power, to a maximum of 3.

Super: Blade Barrage

The Hunter unleashes an enormous volley of burning knives to a point 40ft. away they can see. The knives envelop a radius of 15ft. Any creature of the Hunter’s choice within the radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [7d10 + GLevel + PB] Solar Damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage. Targets that survive take 2 stacks of Burn, regardless of SAVE.

For every kill made directly by this Super, an Orb of Power is generated up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Throwing Knife

Range 20ft./40ft.

On a hit, the target takes one stack of Burn.