
Broodweaver (Strand Warlock)

Super: Needlestorm

You launch five Strand bolts at the same time. You can target any number of creatures or even the same within 120ft. from yourself. Roll an attack roll for each. On a hit, each needle deals [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Strand damage. Whether they hit or miss, each needle generates a Threadling.

For every kill with the Super or a kill by a Threadling on the same turn, an orb of power is generated up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Arcane Needle

Range 60ft./120ft.

On a hit, roll [1d4]. On a 4, you generate a Threadling within 5ft. Of the target.


Some of your abilities may spawn Threadlings. Upon creation, you can use a free action to direct all available unperched Threadlings to move all at once and make a melee attack against any number of targets as long as they are within 15ft. Of where the Threadlings were created.

Threadlings use your MASMod in its attack roll. On a hit, a Threadling deals [1d8] Strand damage. If the attack misses, the Threadling immediately returns to you to perch on your shoulders, as long as you are within 50ft. Of the target.

If a Threadling is perched, they are launched, once per turn, as part of your Attack Action. The target must be within 50ft. Of you for the Threadling to launch.

If you have any number of Threadlings perched when you cast your Class Ability, all perched Threadlings are unleashed at once.

If you are more than 50ft. away from a Threadling when they are generated and either don’t move or miss their attack, the Threadling instead vanishes.