
Shadebinder (Stasis Warlock)

Super: Winter’s Wrath

The Warlock replaces their equipped weapon with a Stasis Staff for 3 rounds, and vanishes at the end of the Warlock's third turn. As an action, they can fire a Winter Shot from the Stasis Staff as a ranged attack targeting two different creatures. The Winter Shot has a range of 40ft. and does [1d8 + GLevel + PB] Stasis damage. On a hit with Winter Shot, the target takes one stack of Chill. As a bonus action, the Warlock can emit a shattering blast. Any creature of the user’s choice within a 30ft. radius centered on the Warlock must make a DEX SAVE or take [1d10] Stasis damage. A Chilled creature automatically fails the Saving Throw, and takes an additional [3d10] Stasis damage, or half on a failed save. For every kill made with this Super, an orb of power is generated up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Penumbral Blast

Range 20ft./40ft.

On a hit, the target takes one stack of Chill.