
Voidwalker (Void Warlock)

Super: Nova Bomb

The Warlock sends a violent surge of Void energy to a point 40ft. away they can see. The blast has a radius of 25ft. Any creature of the Warlock’s choice within the radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [10d12 + GLevel + PB] Void Damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage. Targets who die in the blast are destroyed.

For every kill made directly by this Super, an Orb of Power is generated up to a maximum of 5.

Super: Nova Warp

The Warlock's entire body ripples with Void energy, which replaces their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 Seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. For the duration, the Warlock's movement speed increases by 10ft.

As an Action, they can unleash a Blast of Void energy in a 10ft. sphere centered on themselves. Creatures of your choice caught in the blast take [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Void damage.

As a bonus action, the Warlock can blink up to 20ft. to a location they can see.

As a bonus action, the Warlock can instead focus their blast of Void energy. When they do so, their next Blast has a range of 15ft. and also Weakens target creatures on hit.

For every kill made by Nova Warp, an Orb of Power is generated, to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Pocket Singularity

Range 20ft./40ft.

On a hit, the creature is Weakened. Additionally, they must make a STR SAVE or be pushed away from the Warlock by 5ft.