
Dawnblade (Solar Warlock)

Super: Well of Radiance

The Warlock’s Dawnblade is thrust into the ground to emit a 30ft. Sphere of enhancing light. The sphere remains in place for 3 rounds. (18 seconds.) Any allied creatures that first enter or start their turns within the Will heal damage equal to [1d8+ MASMod + PB] using the Warlock’s MASMod. If a creature is already at maximum health, they instead gain the same amount as Temporary HP, up to a maximum equal to the Warlock’s GLevel. While standing within the well, all allied creatures gain resistance to all damage. Additionally, all attacks by allies originating from within the sphere deal an additional [1d10] Light damage. Three orbs of power are generated within the Well upon casting.

The Well of Radiance counts as a Warlock Rift for the purposes of Exotic Armor compatibility.

Super: Dawnblade

The Warlock draws a powerful sword rippling with blazing Solar energy, which replaces their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 Seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. For the duration, the Warlock's Jump Height increases by 10ft., their Glide Speed is doubled and their Falling Speed while gliding becomes 0ft. The Dawnblade is a +5 Melee Weapon with a range of 40ft. On a hit, the Dawnblade deals [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Solar damage and the target takes one stack of Burn.

If the target already has at least two stacks of Burn, they immediately Ignite on a hit.

For every kill made by the Dawnblade, an Orb of Power is generated, to a maximum of 5.

Super: Song of Flame

(WIP until Final Shape drops)

Charged Melee: Celestial Fire

Range 20ft./40ft.

On a hit, the target takes one stack of Burn.