
"What does it mean to be a Hunter? I say, it’s all about where you belong. The Warlocks have their libraries, the Titans have their walls...But Hunters belong in the wilds."


The Hunter is a type of Guardian who uses speed, maneuverability, and the call of the wild to defeat their enemies. Hunters tend to be taciturn, mostly keeping to themselves and using lightweight equipment. Hunter Cloaks provide a sense of mystery and excellent camouflage when they are beyond the Walls. Some are also considered ‘edge-lords’. Citation not needed. (It's not their fault that lots of their armour has sleek, sharp edges and look really great in black and/or red... or is it?)

Main Ability Score: +2 Dexterity

Tools: Choose one.

Skills: Acrobatics and choose one from Perception, Stealth, and Survival.

Uncharged Melee: When the Hunter makes an Unarmed Strike, they deal [1d6] damage matching their GSubclass damage type. When they make a Melee Weapon attack, they can choose to match the weapon’s damage type with their GSubclass.

Jump: Double Jump

The Hunter has a Jump Height of 20ft., and can Double-Jump for the same height. They can use one or both Jumps in a single turn. They have a Glide Speed of 5ft.

Class ability - Dodge

As a bonus action, the Hunter can roll for 15ft., which adds to their Movement Speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. If they have a weapon equipped, that weapon instantly reloads. If they begin their dodge while within 5ft. Of at least two hostile creatures, they also instantly regain their Charged Melee if it has been spent.

Once a Dodge has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a short or long rest.