
"What does it mean to be a Warlock? Power. Only Warlocks understand true power."

Ikora Rey

Warlocks are a class of Guardian who are best described as "warrior-scholars." They utilize their Traveler-given powers for both attack and defense. Warlocks specialize in ranged melee attacks and cast elemental spells to eliminate their enemies. They are also adept at offering support to fellow Guardians and fireteam members, by healing them and enhancing the strength of their weapons, and are just as comfortable fighting from mid-air as on the ground. According to some they are also considered ‘huge nerds’. Citation needed, but accepted anyway.

Main Ability Score: +2 Intelligence

Tools: Choose one

Skills: Arcana and choose one from History, Insight, and Religion.

Uncharged Melee: When the Warlock makes an Unarmed Strike, they deal [1d6] damage matching their GSubclass damage type. When they make a Melee Weapon attack, they can choose to match the weapon’s damage type with their GSubclass.

Jump: Glide

The Warlock has a Jump Height of 40ft. and a Glide Speed of 25ft. Additionally, while gliding, their fall speed is 10ft. Per round.

Class ability - Rift

As a bonus action, The Warlock can create a 10ft. Sphere centered on themselves. The Warlock can choose to create a Healing Rift or an Empowering Rift.

If an allied creature starts their turn standing in, or first enters a Healing Rift, they heal [1d6] damage.

If an allied creature makes an attack while standing in an Empowering Rift, they deal an additional [1d6] Light Damage on a hit.

The Rift lasts for 2 turns, and vanishes at the end of the Warlock’s second turn. Once the Rift is used, it cannot be used again until the end of a short or long rest.