
Berserker (Strand Titan)

Super: Bladefury

The Titan’s fists extend in bladed Strand energy- which temporarily replace their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. For the duration, the Titan's movement speed is doubled.

The Strand Blades are a +5 Weapon and deal [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Strand damage on a hit. The Titan has Extra Attack while these blades are active if they do not have Extra Attack already.

As a bonus action, they can do one of two things:

  • The Titan can make an additional Attack. On a hit, this bonus attack instead deals [1d10 + GLevel + PB] Strand damage.

  • They can launch an Air Cutter against a creature within 20ft. Of the Titan. The target creature must make a DEX SAVE or be Suspended.

For each kill directly made by the Super, an Orb of Power is generated, up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Frenzied Blade

Range 10ft.

On a hit, the target creature is Suspended.