
Behemoth (Stasis Titan)

Super: Glacial Quake

The Titan’s fists become encased in Stasis energy, which they slam into the ground and cause Stasis crystals to erupt within a 30ft. Cone originating from themselves.

Any creature of the Titan’s choice within the cone must make a DEX SAVE or take [9d10 + GLevel + PB] Stasis damage. Failed saves also result in the creature being Encased by Stasis crystals until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage and one stack of Chill. If a creature is killed by this damage, they shatter, and inflict [2d4] Stasis damage to any creature of the Titan’s choice within 5ft.

For each kill directly made by the Super, an Orb of Power is generated, up to a maximum of 5.

Charged Melee: Shiver Strike

When the Titan makes an Attack with this Charged Melee, The Titan can lunge an additional 10ft. Towards a target of their choice, even if their movement speed is already spent. On a hit, the creature takes one stack of Chill.