
Sentinel (Void Titan)

Super: Ward of Dawn

A bubble of protective void light erupts in a 20ft. Sphere centered on the Titan. This bubble has a duration of 3 rounds. (18 seconds.) While the bubble is active, no ranged attacks or spells can go in or out of the bubble.

Weapons of Light: If an ally enters the bubble in any way. They gain advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws until the end of their next turn outside of the bubble. The Bubble also generates 3 Orbs of Power within the radius.

Super: Sentinel Shield

The Titan manifests a great circular Void shield, which replaces their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 Seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. For the duration, the Titan gains resistance to all damage. Additionally, if an allied creature is within 10ft. of the Titan, attacks against them have disadvantage.

The Sentinel Shield is a +5 Melee Weapon that has the Thrown property. The Shield has a range of 30ft. On a Melee hit, the Sentinel Shield deals [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Void damage and the target is Weakened.

If the Sentinel Shield is Thrown, it bounces off and deals additional damage to a second creature of your choice within 10ft. of the first target. However, neither creature is Weakened on a hit.

For every kill made by the Sentinel Shield, an Orb of Power is generated, to a maximum of 5.

Super: Twilight Arsenal

(WIP until Final Shape drops)

Charged Melee: Defensive Strike

Upon a hit, the Titan and any ally within 10ft. of the Titan gain temporary hit points equal to the Titan’s [GLevel].