
Sunbreaker (Solar Titan)

Super: Hammer of Sol

The Titan summons a blazing hammer that replaces their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 Seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. For the duration, the Titan gains resistance to all damage.

The Hammer of Sol is a Thrown Weapon with a range of 30ft. The Hammer of Sol can be used to target a creature, or a point the Titan can see. Upon impact- whether to a creature or a point in space- the hammer explodes in a 10ft. Radius. All creatures of the Titan’s choice within that radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [2d10 + GLevel + PB] Solar damage. Failed saves also result in the creature taking one stack of Burn. On a successful save, the creature takes only half damage. For every kill made by the Hammer, an Orb of Power is generated, to a maximum of 5.

Super: Burning Maul

The Titan summons a great solar maul that replaces their current weapon for 3 rounds. (18 seconds.) All associated effects vanish at the end of the last turn. For the duration, the Titan gains resistance to all damage.

The Burning Maul is a +5 two-handed weapon that has a range of 10ft. On a hit, the Maul deals [5d10 + GLevel + PB] Solar damage, and deals 2 stacks of Burn to the target on a hit. For every kill made by the Maul or Burn that it contributed to, an Orb of Power is generated, to a maximum of 5.

Solar Flare: As a bonus action during their Super, the Titan can create a Solar Flare covering a 5ft. Radius in the space they currently inhabit. This Solar Flare lasts until the start of the Titan’s next turn.

If an allied creature passes through the Solar Flare, they gain a Sun Warrior Buff. A creature can only have one Sun Warrior buff at a time.

Sun Warrior: A creature with the Sun Warrior buff can use their reaction upon being hit by a source of damage to have resistance against that damage. The Sun Warrior buff lasts either until the end of the creature’s next turn, or until the reaction is used.

Charged Melee: Hammer Throw

Range 20ft./40ft.

The target creature takes one stack of Burn on a hit.