
"What does it mean to be a Titan? As a Titan, you are a part of the City - in a way no Warlock or Hunter could understand. The dream of the City rests upon our shoulders."

Commander Zavala

The Titan is a hardened class of Guardian. They tend to have the highest armor of any of the three classes in Destiny and the lowest agility. They are the frontline warriors of the Vanguard, bulwarks and builders who erected the Wall of the Last City. They are bulky boyz and grlz.

Main Ability Score: +2 Strength

Tools: Choose one

Skills: Athletics and choose one from Acrobatics, Intimidation, and Perception.

Uncharged Melee: When the Titan makes an Unarmed Strike, they deal [1d6] damage matching their GSubclass damage type. When they make a Melee attack with a weapon, they can choose to match the weapon’s damage type with their GSubclass.

Jump: Catapult Lift

The Titan has a Jump Height of 40ft. and a Glide Speed of 10ft.

Class ability - Barricade

As a bonus action, The Titan can create either a Rally Barricade or a Tower Barricade, which they choose upon casting. A Barricade is 15ft. Long from end to end, and the Titan must be centered and behind the barricade as it forms in order to establish the direction the barricade is facing.

A Rally Barricade functions as a solid, semi-transparent 4-foot wall that provides half cover. If a creature allied to the Titan stands within 5ft. of the back side of the Rally Barricade, they can take an action as a bonus action, and Reload as a free action.

A Tower Barricade functions as a solid, semi-transparent 8-foot wall and provides three-quarters cover from ranged attacks.

Both types of barricades cannot be directly shot through from either side, but they can be passed through by a creature that willingly spends movement. Any hostile creature that willingly moves through the titan barricade spends 10ft. of movement to pass through the wall, and takes [1d8 Light damage].

The Barricade lasts for 2 turns, and vanishes at the end of the Titan’s second turn. Once the Barricade is used, it cannot be used again until the end of a short or long rest.