
While there are many features within this homebrew that refer to Classes and Subclasses, everything within this homebrew stems from purely Racial options. This was designed to be as compatible with other rulesets as possible with a single point of connection to other rulesets. That being said, while everything here is established as part of a Racial/Heritage Option, this specific page is dedicated to options for a standard 5e-style Class, in case you don't wish to use Classes from other rulesets.


Heavy footsteps echo across the mountains bordering the Last City as the bundled Titan charges, enormous Throne-Cleaver in both hands. The Scorn Raider raises its energy crossbow to fire off some desperate shots. The bolts miss as the great blade reflects the low sunlight in its blinding swing. The Scorn- bisected- crumples off the stone edge of the mountain. The Titan marches on, searching for yet more lingering threats to their home.

Candlelight struggles against the shadows of the interior. The Warlock floats gingerly through the lingering dust clouds kicked up by her disturbance. Golden-age tomes lined both walls in the ancient structure- once thought to have collapsed in the Battle of Old London. The tell-tale rattle of approaching Fallen reached the Warlock's ears. She opened her comms, not to call for reinforcements, but to call for a cleanup crew. Her hand cannon rises, aimed at the shadows.

The terraformed-pleasant rain of Venus patters softly against the cloak of the Hunter. A duffle bag filled with tomes and data drives clatters gingerly on his back with every step. Dead Orbit never agreed with his methods, New Monarchy hated his guts. It only took one snap-back at a single Cryptarch to change the trajectory of everything. Haggard breathing stops as he raises his rifle. There were unwanted guests wandering a little too close to his safehouse- his one haven against the universe. They would fall like the rest.







Feature 1: Archetype





Feature 2: Sub-Archetype








Feature 3










Feature 4










Feature 5
















Hit Dice: 1d10

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms

Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor.

Saving Throws: Choose one Saving Throw. You have proficiency in this Saving Throw. At the end of a long rest, you may swap out that Saving Throw proficiency with another Saving Throw. Alternatively, if you are using the Lightbearer race, your Saving Throw Proficiency can be CON and the Saving throw matching your MASMod.

At 1st Level, your Guardian chooses one of three Archetypes: Factionist, Wildling, or Exile. You gain features according to your Archetype. At 3rd level, you choose a Sub-archetype, and gain features depending on your choice of sub-archetype, as shown below:


A Factionist may have differing ideas in the methods of a ruling government, but they all ultimately serve the better interest of the Last City. Factionists help maintain order in the Last City, even when developments yet-unheard-of cause unfathomable ripples in public opinion. When you choose this Archetype, determine what faction you work under.

1st Level Feature: Our Home: Your familiarity with the Last City grants you the following benefits:

  • Contacts: You may be able to use your authority and familiarity to make contact with various individuals throughout the Last City. This could be a representative of a Foundry, or a less scrupulous individual who frequents the Last City underground. The Citizenry are typically friendly towards you in any case, and you may be able to curry favor or receive discounts, to the DM's discretion.

  • Home Field Advantage: While within the Last City or at-most 1 mile from its Walls, you and your party are able to move an additional 5ft. in combat. Your party also moves twice its speed when navigating the Last City outside of combat.

3rd Level Feature: Specialization: Your Faction efforts have earned you the ability to be better equipped for more specific duties in the Last City. Choose a Sub-Archetype. This choice determines all future features.

  • Mainline: You are the first and the last line of defense, a bulwark for Humanity and the Last City. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -Choose a Weapon Archetype. Your magazine size for that weapon is increased by 1.

  • Enforcer: Where a Mainline faces the enemy without, an Enforcer faces the enemy within. You maintain order within the Last City, for if it fell into chaos, humanity would be splintered forever. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -While wearing armor, your AC is increased by +1.

  • Specialist: You serve your Faction in an unorthodox fashion, and receive the tools to match. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -You gain proficiency with one Tool of your choice.

6th Level Feature: Self-Improvement

  • Mainline:
    -Your proficiency with shields improves. You can use a shield in tandem with your weapon as long as it has either the Primary or Special Property.

  • Enforcer:
    -You can use the Help action as a bonus action. Additionally, you can Help another creature if they are within 30ft. of you.
    -You gain proficiency with Investigation. If you already have proficiency with Investigation, you gain Expertise in it. If you already have Expertise, choose another skill or tool you are proficient in and gain Expertise in that skill or tool instead.

  • Specialist:
    -From your times delving into Faction archives and the Cryptarch libraries, you typically know a lot of things. If there is knowledge in a subject you currently lack, you typically have a good idea on where to look to find said knowledge.
    -You gain proficiency with Thieves' Tools. If you already have Proficiency with Thieves' Tools, you gain Expertise in Thieves' Tools. If you already have Expertise in Thieves' Tools, choose a skill or tool you are Proficient with. You gain Expertise in that skill.

10th Level Feature: Improvement Without

  • Mainline: Your Shield becomes capable of being infused with your Light. While you have a shield equipped, as a bonus action, you can brace the shield in front of yourself. You may also use a bonus action to un-brace the shield. While the shield is braced, you gain advantage against DEX SAVEs against damaging effects. You take half damage if you fail a SAVE, and take no damage if you succeed. However, your movement speed is reduced to 10ft. no matter your speed bonuses, and you can only use weapons that fire Primary or Special ammo, as you brace such smaller arms on a side hook. Additionally, if an enemy attacks you while you are flanked, the flanking attack has advantage on the attack roll. Additionally, you cannot activate objects such as Raid mechanics unless you unequip your current weapon or un-brace the shield.

  • Enforcer: You can add a [1d4] to your Perception checks. While Home Field Advantage is active, this becomes a [1d8]. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

  • Specialist:
    Flash of Inspiration: If you make a skill check in a skill you are not proficient with, you can add a [1d6] to the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

14th Level Feature: Apotheosis

  • Mainline: Your ability to defend those important to you reach an apex. You gain the following features:
    -Allies count as being in three-quarter cover when they are within 5ft. of you. Additionally, if a creature fires a Power Weapon while they are within 5ft. of you, they can choose to ignore the Long Range penalty, as they brace their heavy weapon on your shield.
    -While bracing your shield, if you or anyone within 15ft. of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to make your Light erupt a defensive field. Until the end of your next turn, all creatures of your choice that remain within range take half damage from all sources. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest. If Home Field Advantage is active, however, you gain a second use.

  • Enforcer:
    -Your range with the Help action increases to 60ft.
    -As a bonus action, You can become Invisible for 1 hour. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

  • Specialist: Your Flash of Inspiration die becomes a [1d8], and you regain all uses at the end of a short or long rest. Additionally, you can use your Flash of Inspiration even on skills you have proficiency in.


The Wildlings are those who refuse to be shackled by the hard steel and concrete of a prison. While many pass through the Last City for supply runs and Vanguard updates, none have anything to anchor them to the Last City. These are the sort who value their personal freedom above all else.

1st Level Feature: Stomping Grounds: When you choose this Archetype, choose two Planets of Sol. You gain these features while you are on these planets:

  • Familiar Terrain: Your movement speed is increased by 5ft. as long as you are on the chosen Planet.

  • Cache: You can use an Action to scan for an old cache. Roll a [1d10]. On a 10, you find a cache, the contents of which are up to the DM's discretion. Once you use this feature, success or failure, you cannot use it again until the next dawn.

3rd Level Feature: Specialization: Your Faction efforts have earned you the ability to be better equipped for more specific duties in the Last City. Choose a Sub-Archetype. This choice determines all future features.

  • Spacer: Ships are your life, and your Jumpship is your home. Flying through space is like breathing you. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -You have advantage on all checks made relating to maneuvers in vehicles. If you are unfamiliar with the controls of a vehicle, you can spend 4 hours to learn it.

  • Mercenary: Survivalism is your calling card. You know the lay of even lands unfamiliar to you. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following feature:
    -Difficult Terrain does not affect you. While Familiar Terrain is active, creatures of your choice that start their turn within 5ft. of you also ignore Difficult Terrain until the end of that same turn.

  • Rifleman: Your skills with a rifle are second to none. Your accuracy is honed like an atom-thin razor. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following feature:
    -Your bonus damage dice from the called attacks from weapons containing the Precise keyword is doubled.

6th Level Feature: Self-Improvement

  • Spacer:
    -Your Jumpship deals an additional damage die with all weapons platforms. Additionally, when your party is in their Jumpships, your party travels twice as fast.
    -You are able to use a weapon while riding your Sparrow, as long as the weapon has the Lightweight property.

  • Mercenary:
    -If Familiar Terrain is active for you, it is also active for allies of your choice as long as they are within 100ft. of you.
    -While Familiar Terrain is active, you count as having Expertise in Survival. This feature is not shared amongst allied creatures.

  • Rifleman:
    -If you are equipped with a weapon that has the Rapid Fire property, you can fire it twice as a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest. While Familiar Terrain is active, You may use this feature twice as many times.

10th Level Feature: Improvement Without

  • Spacer: While piloting a vehicle and you move yourself by at least 30ft. in a single turn, attacks against you have disadvantage. (NOTE: Moving 5ft. left and right repeatedly does not count towards this. The path between your original position and the new position must take at least 30ft. of movement to reach.)

  • Mercenary: You can roll twice when you scan for Caches. While Familiar Terrain is active, you instead roll three times.

  • Rifleman:
    -When you make a Long ranged attack, you can choose to ignore the Long Range penalties. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest. (NOTE: This is not once per turn.) While Familiar Terrain is active, You may use this feature twice as many times.

14th Level Feature: Apotheosis

  • Spacer: You have mastery in piloting all vehicles, even ones you are unfamiliar with. Additionally, when you make attacks against Vehicles, you ignore all damage penalties with smaller arms.

  • Mercenary: As a bonus action, you can activate Familiar Terrain even when you're not on a chosen planet. This effect lasts for 8 hours. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the end of a long rest.

  • Rifleman: Your familiarity with weapons borders on obsessive, to the point where you've picked up tricks from Gunsmiths.
    -At the end of a short or long rest, you may choose a weapon that you are carrying. You can reroll one of the weapon's perks. You must keep the roll.


Many Factionists have come to collective decisions on what constitutes as "dangerous thinking." As such, there are many who have gotten on the wrong side of the majority rule through their radical ideas. These individuals become Exiles. Typically cut off from Last City resources, they have to scrounge, kitbash, beg, borrow, and steal to fund and supply their research... or obsession.

1st Level Feature: Laboratory: You have a Safehouse hidden around Sol, containing various trinkets and barely functioning machinery relevant to your dangerous ideas. Choose a planet of Sol that will contain your Safehouse. While you are on or within orbit of the chosen planet, you are able to instantly transport yourself and up to ten creatures into the Safehouse. A creature can remain within the Safehouse for up to ten hours. At the end of ten hours, your malfunctioning security system ejects the creature back to their original positions outside of the Safehouse. The security system resets every Earth Dawn. While within the Safehouse, you gain advantage on all checks made with Intelligence when conducting research. If any creature completes a Long Rest while within the Safehouse, they gain a number of temporary hitpoints equal to twice your Level. You may take only one Long Rest at a time when you visit the Safehouse.

3rd Level Feature: Specialization: Your Faction efforts have earned you the ability to be better equipped for more specific duties in the Last City. Choose a Sub-Archetype. This choice determines all future features.

  • Cultist: You've discovered higher meaning, higher knowledge, higher power, and your interest in it borders on worship. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -You have a contact in the form of a fellow Cultist, or a Cult leader. The nature of their abilties and resources is discussed with your DM. You can meet your contact in your Safehouse, or anywhere else as long as a meeting place is communicated.
    -As an action, you can manifest your Shrine on a point you can see within 30ft. Your shrine is a Medium construct that occupies the space you transmat it into. If a creature larger than Small is already taking up the space, they are shoved 5ft. in a direction you choose. The Shrine has a maximum health equal to yours and is manifested at full health. Additionally, it has an AC equal to 10 + your MASMod. The Shrine lasts for 1 hour or until it is destroyed or if you dismiss it as a bonus action. You may manifest your Shrine a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest. While it is manifested, it has the following features:
    -Creatures of your choice within 5ft. of the Shrine can use the Shrine as half cover.
    -As a bonus action, you can engage the Shrine's defense systems. Make an attack roll on a creature within 40ft. using your MASMod. On a hit, the Shrine deals [1d8] damage.
    (If you are not running a Lightbearer heritage and thus have no MASMod, you may instead use your Spellcasting Modifier. If you have neither, choose among INT, WIS, or CHA.)

  • Obsessive: Your curiosities towards a single group or a line of thinking have resulted in discoveries about yourself and the universe, and none of it would have been possible had you not hard-focused on one single thing. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -Choose an enemy faction, such as Hive or Vex. You have advantage on Arcana, History, and Nature checks made relating to that faction.

  • Divergent: Your ideals have clashed with a faction in power. You are not necessarily a practitioner in dangerous thinking on your own; you simply stepped on the toes of someone powerful. This unfair treatment has given you... perspective. When you choose this Sub-Archetype at 3rd level, you gain the following features:
    -You have advantage on Insight checks.
    -Inspiration Dice: You gain a number of dice equal to your PB. When a creature makes a skill check, attack roll, or SAVE and they fail, you can use your reaction to spend a die and add [1d6] to the roll, potentially turning the fail into a success. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

6th Level Feature: Self-Improvement

  • Cultist: Your Shrine's defensive capabilities improve. It gains the following features:
    -Creatures of your choice within 10ft. of the shrine gain +1 to their AC and SAVEs.
    -The damage die increases to [1d10]

  • Obsessive: When you engage in a combat encounter where there are any number of creatures from your chosen focused Faction, you gain a +5 to your Initiative rolls. Additionally, once per long rest, if you deal damage to one creature that belongs to your chosen Faction, you deal an additional 10 damage matching the damage type. If you damage more than one creature at the same time, you instead choose one of the affected creatures to take the additional damage.

  • Divergent:
    -Your Safehouse allows creatures to remain within for twenty-four hours instead of ten. Additionally, you can secure supply shipments to your Safehouse. If creatures within your Safehouse complete a long rest, they may roll a [1d8]. On a 1-3, they gain a Primary Ammo Pack. On a 4-5, they gain a Special Ammo Pack. On a 6-7, they gain a Power Ammo Pack. On an 8, they gain a pack of Ramen.
    -Your Inspiration Dice becomes a [1d8].

10th Level Feature: Improvement Without

  • Cultist: Your Shrine's weapon gains a substantial upgrade.
    -When you Attack with the shrine, you make two attacks.
    -The effective range of the Shrine weapon increases to 120ft.

  • Obsessive: Your affinity with your chosen Faction has afforded you abilities some may find... impossible. With your Light or Dark power, as an Action, you are able to project an energy-based Familiar in the form of a member of your chosen Faction. You may choose any creature that is neither a boss nor a vehicle. As a bonus action, you may command the Familiar to move up to its movement speed and make an Attack action. These Familiars can interact with objects such as activating a switch, but it is not intelligent enough to interact with more complex devices or magic items. These Familiars deal twice their damage dice on their attacks. You can create a Familiar a number of times equal to your PB, and regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

  • Divergent:
    -You can teleport yourself and up to ten people into your Safehouse from anywhere in the system.
    -You gain advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks.
    -Your Inspiration Dice becomes a [1d10].

14th Level Feature: Apotheosis

  • Cultist: Your Shrine becomes an inspiring beacon.
    -The effective range of the defensive buff is increased to 30ft.
    -The bonus to AC and SAVEs is increased to +2.
    -Creatures within the defensive range gain advantage on SAVEs against Status Conditions.

  • Obsessive: Your mind expands as you determine the strange interactions between your faction of focus and others.
    -You may choose one additional faction to be your Focus.
    -Additionally, you can summon two Familiars at once.

  • Divergent: Your Safehouse security system is fully repaired and will no longer eject creatures you allow to visit. for an hour during downtime, you can print Transmat Keys to share with creatures of your choice. Transmat keys are tiny items that allow a creature to enter and leave your Safehouse at any time. You are aware of all creatures that enter and leave your Safehouse at any time.
    -Your Safehouse is also expanded to be able to carry up to 200 creatures, and is equipped with Frames that serve food and drink.
    -Additionally, your Safehouse now contains a functioning Dark Decoder. You may use this to decrypt any Engrams you may find for free.
    -Your Inspiration Dice becomes a [1d12].