

Your Ghost is your link to the Light, a Tiny construct with a movement speed of 40ft. Ghosts can fly and do not need to breathe. Ghosts are what grant you your strength and life. They have the ability to heal all but the worst wounds, and even resurrect you after death. Ghosts are independently aware and may even be friendly or malicious depending on what their goal is, it will develop with you as a character just as you will. The ghost has been with you since you became a Lightbearer and it will continue to be by your side until your Final Death.

If a Lightbearer should die, their Ghost will spend the next [1d4] days resurrecting their corpse to a living form, even if the corpse is completely destroyed by spells such as Disintegrate. This resurrection process can be completed Instantaneously via another character’s appropriate spells, or by a fellow Lightbearer spending [50 Super Energy] while they are within 10ft. Of the Ghost. Once the resurrection process is complete, even through instantaneous means, the Ghost takes one point of [Fatigue]. The Ghost will need to take [1d6] days to recover from being Fatigued. Should their Lightbearer die while the Ghost is Fatigued, their resurrection will take [nd4 days, where n = 1 + Fatigue Points.]

If the Ghost is destroyed, it cannot be restored and will be unable to resurrect its Lightbearer. If a Lightbearer’s Ghost is destroyed, a Lightbearer cannot use any Light-based subclass abilities or their enhanced Jump mechanics. If a Guardian dies while their Ghost is destroyed, or if their Ghost is destroyed while they are dead, they die their Final Death. A Guardian cannot be resurrected in any way after Final Death.

A Ghost has health equal to twice their Lightbearer’s Level. A Ghost is invulnerable to all damage and immune to all status conditions as long as their chosen Lightbearer is alive. While their Lightbearer is dead, the Ghost is resistant to all damage except for Light and Dark damage. Ghosts are immune to the following conditions:

  • Paralyzed

  • Poisoned

  • Exhaustion

  • Petrification

Ghosts also have advantage on all saving throws against being Charmed.