

At Level 1 Guardians of all types are the embodiment of their light, able to form and mold it to affect paracausal change upon the universe around them. Among these different embodiments, the Super is the apex of their strength, which manifests rarely for the Guardian and seems to come in just when needed.

The default Super before any subclass is Damage Embodiment, which adds an additional [2d10 Light Damage] onto your next weapon attack or damaging spell hit. If you score a Final Blow with this Super, you generate an Orb of Power. This benefit is lost upon reaching Level 2 and replaced with your Subclass-specific Super.

Information on Subclass Supers are within the individual Subclass pages. When you cast your Subclass Super, you choose one from the options provided on the corresponding pages. For instance, if you are a Sunbreaker Titan, you can cast the Hammer of Sol or the Burning Maul, but not both at once.

All Supers can be casted as a Free Action at the start of your turn. Your Super can only be used once per long rest, and only when your Super Points are at the maximum of 100.

Super Points are generated during a combat encounter at a rate of [1d4 + GLevel] at the start of each of your turns.

You also gain Super Points equal to [1/2 your GLevel (rounded down)] with every final blow against an enemy creature, as well as if you contribute to another Guardian’s resurrection.

Guardian Subclass [LightSubclass]

At Level 2, you can focus your paracausal power to grant yourself the ability to manipulate different elements of the universe. Choose a Guardian Subclass for your Guardian.

You can change out your LightSubclass at the end of a long rest. Note that when you do so, you must also change out your Super, Charged Melee, Grenade, and Aspects of Power accordingly.

Charged Melee

At Level 2, when a Guardian makes an unarmed strike or a melee weapon attack as part of their Attack Action, they can choose to use an Uncharged Melee or a Charged Melee with one of those attacks.

An Uncharged Melee is an unmodified weapon attack. If the attack is an unarmed strike, you add your MASMod to the damage roll.

A Charged Melee, by comparison, gives a +1 to the attack roll, and deals an additional [1d8] damage of the damage type matching the Guardian's current Subclass. Additional features can be applied depending on the equipped Guardian Subclass and Aspects of Power.

Once a Charged Melee is used, another cannot be used until the end of a short or long rest, or through various features/equipment that can restore the charge.


At Level 3, Guardians of all types can throw a Grenade as an Action at a point they can see within 50ft. The Standard Grenade explodes in a 10ft. Sphere. All creatures of the Guardian’s choice within that radius must make a DEX SAVE or take [2d8 + GLevel + PB] damage matching the damage type of the Guardian’s subclass.

As a bonus action, the Guardian can “consume” their Grenade to gain temporary hitpoints equal to twice their [GLevel].

This Grenade can be amplified through Aspects of Power gained at later levels. Unless the Grenade Aspects specify otherwise, they still retain the same SAVE DC and other default features listed here.

Once a Grenade is thrown or consumed, another cannot be thrown until the end of a short or long rest, or through various features/equipment that can restore the charge.

Class Ability

At Level 3, Guardians can utilize a unique Class Ability depending on their GClass. This Class Ability can be modified through Aspects of Power gained at later levels. Once a Class Ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the end of a short or long rest.

Extra Attack

At 5th Level, if a Guardian does not already have Extra Attack by another feature, they gain Extra Attack. They can attack twice when they take the Attack Action.

Prismatic Subclass


At 5th Level, a Guardian may choose to equip a Prismatic Subclass at the end of a Long Rest.

When they do so, they must pick a Primary Subclass and a Secondary Subclass. the Primary subclass determines the Guardian's choice of Super. The Secondary Subclasses determines the Guardian's choice of Charged Melee.

While a Prismatic Subclass is equipped, a Guardian may choose Aspects of Power compatible with either Subclass. They may also choose from any Grenade Aspect of Power.

Aspects of Power

At Level 5, a Guardian gains access to a list of Aspects of Power. They may choose two Aspects from a list as long as they meet the requirements, and may change out any number of Aspects at the end of a long rest along with their GSubclass. A Guardian can choose an additional Aspect of Power at the following levels:

  • Level 9

  • Level 12

  • Level 15

  • Level 18

More information is provided in the Aspects of Power section.

Certain Aspects are classified as “Grenades.” You may only take one of these kinds of Aspects at a time if you choose one.

Exotic Proficiency

At 10th level, a Guardian can attune to one additional Exotic or Magic item. Additionally, they can attune to up to 2 Exotic Weapons at a time.

At 15th level, a Guardian can attune to up to 5 Exotics at a time, but they can still only attune to up to 2 Exotic Weapons.

One. F-ing. Guardian.

At 13th Level, you may use your Super as long as you have 100 Super Points. Long rests are no longer required.

Font of Power

At 20th Level, all sources of Super Points are doubled for you.