Destiny: Season of the Natural One


AKA “Let’s Have Fun Balancing This S***!”

Author’s Note: Destiny-based D&D; what a grand and intoxicating idea. I know there’s already D&Destiny for a Guardian “Class”, but I wanted to try making something different here. Plus I wrote most of this before I even heard about D&Destiny so why stop? (As of 04/27/2024 changelog, I finally got around to reading it! Whoo!) I hope you enjoy what you see and try incorporating this ruleset for your own campaign(s)!

The foundational goal behind this is to make a Guardian “Race,” (or “Heritage” now, with the new wording from OneD&D) with varied and powerful options. The flexibility of these options can be used to bolster your normal D&D class in potentially interesting ways. For instance, you can run a Titan Wizard, a Hunter Barbarian, a Warlock Paladin, or whatever your heart desires. (inb4 “Warlock Warlock!”) In that sense, you can probably make a Guardian Guardian using D&Destiny’s rules! (Maybe...) I can’t imagine that being confusing! Ha ha. (Editor's Note: Now that I've renamed things to "Lightbearers", the confusion is no longer there! Whoo!)

I hope these options allow for some fun Destiny-themed roleplay and combat and that you and your friends enjoy yourselves to the fullest with these features- or any features from any other source that piques your interest. If you have any particular feedback, please let me know on my twitter @HolyJunkie and I will look into tweaking the balance and adding new features. There's a lot of stuff here to pick through.

Thank you for your time!

HolyJunkie, a FILTHY Warlock Main. Also, don't trust Rahool!

“Look kids! Better balancing then Bungie!” - Heather
“I would be spinning in my grave if I were here to see this.” - Commander Zavala (too soon?)
“Karl! there is a dead human in our house!” - some llama with a hat idk


For the sake of consolidation and organization in this document, many shorthand terms will be used in the place of normal text. This will mainly be used in repeated segments such as damage calculations. Unique terms will also be explained via the Glossary for the sake of clean redundancy and hover-over text referencing.

  • LightLevel: Lightbearer Level. This is the total level of the Lightbearer.

  • LightClass: Lightbearer Class. This refers to Titan, Warlock, or Hunter.

  • LightSubclass: Lightbearer Subclass. This refers to subclasses, like Arcstrider Hunter, or Voidwalker Warlock, or Sunbreaker Titan.

  • MAS: Main Ability Score, dictated by Lightbearer Class.

  • MASMod: Main Ability Score Modifier, dictated by Lightbearer Class. Your Attacks and Save DC's are based on your MASMod.

  • PB: Proficiency Bonus

  • STR: Strength

  • DEX: Dexterity

  • CON: Constitution

  • INT: Intelligence

  • WIS: Wisdom

  • CHA: Charisma

  • SAVE: Saving throw