Boss Office

The Office

Here we finally are at The Boss's Office. A tasteless place full of saturated colors where everything is perfectly measured so you feel uncomfortable.

From here, The Boss controls The Squid. The company in charge of most city cargo transport through underground tunnels.
You will most likely arrive in one of The Squid's boats at the Visitor's Entrance through the underground tunnels, blindfolded and probably with a long, unnecessary detour so you can't track its exact location. After deposing your weapons, a guard check will be made, and then another one. Security is key here.
Then you'll wait an unnecessary amount of time in a very small room before seeing The Boss. From the extremely uncomfortable benches, you can only see massive portraits of The Boss.
Once you wait half an hour or so, they'll let you in through a very narrow door, so the contrast with the open space of The Office is even higher. The Office room is highly saturated and filled with weird artifacts, jewels and giant portraits of Cori in impossible heroic settings. Watch your step, that staircase is made for you to trip... Meanwhile, the ugly goblin is looking at you from his comically large throne, acting like he doesn't care.
If you sit down in the stools in front of him, you will probably regret your decision, these are probably the most painfully uncomfortable stools you have ever seen.
From there, and with a few highly armed guards chitchatting but always vigilant, negotiations can begin.

Alternatively, you can try to sneak through the tunnels and break in the complex. But beware, these tunnels are the most guarded area in all the city.