City Prison

This map is a district from the Modular Street pack, so it can be combined with it to create your own city.

This prison is specially designed for versatility. It is the perfect map to start a campaign where the party is in jail and has to escape. It also contains enough secrets for the party to break into the prison and free someone from the outside, steal something inside or escape from prison in multiple ways.

Check the map notes for more info.

  • The prison has a vulnerability, it has old corridors in the inside. You can make your way out through these tunnels or break into the jail from the outside.

  • Dig tunnels in the ground.

  • Dig holes on the walls (the Foundry VTT has a lot of secret doors already placed).

  • Enter through the manhole.

  • Enter through the chimney.

  • Burst the small cell windows.

  • Steal the safe in the warden's office from the hidden tunnels.

  • Pretend to be sick so you are taken to the infirmary.