The Squid

The Squid is the company that owns a complex system of aqueducts that traverse the city underground and connects the basement of most shops with the harbor. Traveling these watercourses in small boats they can deliver cargo faster, cheaper and much more efficient.

The Squid is named not only after the intricate web of tunnels that may look like long tentacles, but also after the huge 8-legged crane that sits in the middle of the warehouse and whose shape may resemble a colossal cephalopod.

All cargo from the harbor or other shops in the city that passes through the Squid is sorted by the giant crane and then quickly distributed and loaded it into smaller boats that travel the underground lines to deliver it in a matter of minutes or hours.

Managed by the magnate “The Boss'', and even though there is no real evidence, it’s known that cargo delivery is not the only activity they develop underground, being smuggling and espionage some other known ventures of The Squid, just to name a couple.
On the other hand these tunnels are one of the safest places in the city. All tunnels are highly guarded and not even rats move around the galleries without Cori approving it. Their army controls every drop of water that enters or exits the system, that’s why even the government of the city has occasionally used their services.
Nobody really knows where Cori hides. It is said that there is a deeper level of tunnels from where they manage all their businesses.

The Squid serves everyone that has the money to pay the monthly subscription (like the Wet Foot Inn). Sometimes it has even played a key role in international conflicts by dealing sensitive information, transporting critical personalities and smuggling artifacts and weapons.

The city guards say that since The Squid operates in the city, criminality rates have risen, but even though that may be true, all clients are extremely happy with the service and it has helped the city develop into one of the main reference points for merchants by bringing wealth to the city. They also keep all tunnels nice and clean, offer a cheaper and faster alternative to road cargo transport and always deliver on time, so nobody really cares about what happens down there.