Chapter 4: Scheming Sister
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Sister Abigail

The sister first made herself known by carving on a dead ogres body. Since then she has tormented the adventurers and the wildlife of the continent, creating strange creatures and oozes that rampaged through the fields.

After defeating many of her creatures and finding her base adventurers set out to kill her with the help of the scouting ogres. Abigail fought together with one last monster in her base, but was ultimately killed by a big group of adventurers.

The last of the creatures roam the valley aimlessly and have stopped attacking.

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Death Valley

Abigail's Lookout

Abigail's Lookout stands on a mountain, a secret passageway on the north-west side of the mountain grants acces to the building. Inside reside a bunch of Abigail's monsters, adventurers explored most of it, but some parts are still undiscovered. The adventurers burned the building on the way out, and in later weeks creaturers made by Abigail seemed to be restoring the building.

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Spike Fields

The Spike Fields are, as the name implies, fields that contain huge spikes. Each spike has a name on it that belongs to one of the residents of Man's Landing, preparing them for when a resident is staked upon them. Abigail used to be around this place and drink tea.

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Geographical Locations

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Barrier Peaks and The Giant's Spillway

The Barrier Peaks are mountains that seem to be extremely difficult or impossible to pass. Griffin-vultures and mountain lions live in the mountains and breathable air significantly drops to closer one gets to the actual peaks.

The Giant's Spillway seems to be the only place where one can pass the mountains. This wall is about 1000 years old and was once a place where giants resided. Adventurers went in through the sewers and defeated the oozes that roamed the building. It then became a safe place to rest for the adventurers.

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Grafed creeks

The grafed creeks is a massive valley that holds many ruins. Many of Abigail's creatures made traveling through it complete hell, one by one they got killed and the valley became safer to travel through.

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The Silken Forge

The Silken Forge is an abandoned smithy made by giants. The ruin was inhabited by many spiders and a giant owlbear, all were taken care of and the ruins are now safe to visit.

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Ruins of Himmelslangensnåde

These ruins seem to be giant made as well, adventurers tend to call it the giants commune. On the door and surrounding walls of the ruin inscriptions/symbols of catlike people were discovered. In the main room stands a giant statue of a snake. Multiple rooms in the building have family trees of giants on the walls. At some point in the building 42 cloud gaints are encased in ice. Creatures in the ruin consist of ghost and gelatinous cubes.

A giant ghost child was lost in the ruins, but adventurers brought him back to his ghost mom. She mentioned her husband was preparing a ritual to keep them there, and if anyone would kil him, they would be seen as heroes.

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Haystack's Needle

The Haystack's Needle is a massive abandoned tower. The Lake Mother pointed it out as a place where a magic merchant could be residing. When adventurers went in to find this merchant they found a lost Leocor resident named Matthew Glaswell, who then became the magic merchant of Man's Landing.

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Batadillo Henge

The ruins named Batadillo Henge are an old abandoned town of giants. It was infested with Batadillo's. A group of dwarves was hiding there. Adventurers saved them and escorted them to Man's Landing, they are now happily residing in the farms to the south of Man's Landing.

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The Ice Sea

As adventurers move more west, they encountered a civilization of dwarfs that speak primordial and look to the stars for guidance. In recent years ice has moved towards their settlements, making it harder for them to live in them. Adventurers have set out to explore the vast Ice Sea, but have not yet found an end to the endless cold and snow.

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