Learning Skills Rules

Learning Rules

With this all characters get the ability to learn additional proficiencies of a certain type. The limit of how often someone can learn a additional proficiency is Intelligence modifier with a minimum of 1. In order to be able to learn something there needs to be a eligible location and a mentor willing to teach you. A player can be your mentor or you hire one for 100 gp. you then spend 6 weeks of downtime with your mentor learning the new proficiency (This will take the full downtime of both the learner and the mentor, this means you van only mentor 1 person at a time).


  • Title: Learning: Proficiency you wish to learn / you

  • State who will be your mentor (this can be a nameless NPC ) and if you will pay your mentor (in the case of an NPC you must and it is 100 gp, all gold must be paid up front)

Even tough it will likely get approved it still needs to be approved by a DM. and similar to building projects keep posting progress updates for each week spend (relevant in the case that you split the learning up)

Current list of Learnable Proficiencies:

  • Alchemist's Supplies

  • Brewer's Supplies

  • Calligrapher's Supplies

  • Carpenter's Tools

  • Cartographer's Tools

  • Cobbler's Tools

  • Cook's Utensils

  • Glassblower's Tools

  • Jeweler's Tools

  • Leatherworker's Tools

  • Mason's Tools

  • Painter's Supplies

  • Potter's Tools

  • Smith's Tools

  • Tinker's Tools

  • Weaver's Tools

  • Woodcarver's Tools