Travel Rules

Traveling in Domos

Traveling in Domos will be a major part of your adventure on the unknown lands. As such, we have our rules for exploring these new lands, and we apply these to hex-based travel.

Travel Limit

For each day you travel beyond the thirteenth day, your character will gain a level of exhaustion. This means that at the fourteenth day of travel, you will start the day with one level of exhaustion, and another level will be added every day after that.

Travel Speed

When traveling you can choose between going at a slow, normal or fast pace. These will have the following implications.






3 Hexes

4 Hexes

5 Hexes


Stealthing is allowed.

No positives nor negatives.

Disadvantage on perception and investigation checks.

There are also several ways in which your speed can be increased by 1 hex, these include but are not limited to:

  • Traveling along a road.

  • Using a Mount.

  • A forced march to go beyond (potentially gaining a level of exhaustion in the process.)

Travel Mode (Scouting) New

Instead of traveling towards another hex, you can instead opt to “Scout” the hex you are currently on. In order to “scout” you spend as much movement as it would cost to enter the hex (for example, scouting a hill will cost 2 hexes worth of movement). The benefit of scouting is that it allows you to find all the important features of the hex you are on, such as hidden entrances to tunnels or a hidden landmark.