Guild Rules


Looking back at how players have organized themselves in smaller groups in the past, usually subconsciously and without much structure, we want to introduce a new component to the current ongoing building system. We hope that with this structure we may facilitate a fun environment for roleplay, as well as a mechanical framework for the players to operate within.

At present, these are the key goals of the guilds:

  • to promote an engaging and fun environment for roleplaying,

  • to foster a sense of community involvement,

  • to create spaces where, for the guild, resources and efforts may be pooled towards common, or communal goals.

Starting a Guild


Before a guild is established and before a guild house is constructed, at least 5 members must agree with one another that they want to be participants to that guild. At least one of the characters must have the relevant proficiency for the general services rendered or trained within the guild. Any other members can generally be considered either trained as well, or prospects or trainees to the craft.

Once at least five members have come to this agreement, the players shall, as for any of the other building projects on Domos during C4, submit to the Construction Office the following request template below. This should incorporate general rules and guidelines for an in-character code of conduct for this guild, as well as an agreed method of electing a loose sense of leadership, known as the Guild Manager.

We, [INSERT LIST OF NAMES OF THE PROSPECT MEMBERS], wish to establish a guild.

Name of the guild: [...]
Proposed function of the guild: [...]
How members will contribute to the guild,
and how the shared guild inventory will be used: [...]
How guild duties and contributions are established:

[with examples of:

  • how much monetary contributions entail (see Contributions to the Guild),

  • dedicated time spent on projects, per week or per month,

  • etc.]

Guild Manager: [...]

Potential Guild Ideas
  • Masons’ guild

  • Carpenters’ guild

  • Construction guild

  • Explorers’ guild

  • Healers’ guild

  • Warriors’ guild

  • Investigators’ guild

  • Artificing guild

  • Artisans’ guild

  • Craftsmen’s guild

A preliminary cost for the building of a given guild house is as follows:

  • Workload: minimum of 50 workweeks.

  • Laborers: 8.

  • Craftsmen: around 6 of a relevant discipline.

  • Resources: wood and stone - maybe others, depending on the guild.

Benefits of All Guilds

Sleeping Arrangements

A guild house will have their own channel with a main room and sleeping arrangements for all the members, these will remain for members only. This will be similar to how rooms at the inn are established, but with an actual agreed upon rule that these “rooms” are only accessible for guild members to stay in.

This channel will remain publicly visible and accessible to players, if not their characters. Guild houses are meant for building community, not to foster isolationism.

The actual access to guild houses will remain entirely open and accessible for all characters. While there may exist restrictions within a given guild for potential crafting, setting up activities or entering someone's private room, the actual presence and access of a character will and shall not be curtailed.

Contributions to the Guild

These are suggestions for how members may want to contribute funds or efforts to the guild:

  • No fixed contribution, all funds are based on generous donations,

  • A periodic contribution members contribute a fixed amount per week or month,

  • A percentage of income generated from assignments (sessions).

  • A specific mission may also have all of its rewards established that they will be going into the guild inventory.

The Guild Inventory

Guilds shall have their own channel on the Domos Discord with their own established inventory, which will be maintained in a thread. Any and all changes to this inventory shall be maintained by a player acting as a managing volunteer.

Items and funds that are added to a guild’s inventory can no longer be removed from it. These items cannot become private property of a given character and player. Items and funds of a guild will always remain a guild’s property, and are at most loaned during assignments (sessions) to a player character who is part of the guild and to be returned after an assignment (session) back into the shared guild inventory.

Currently, magical items will not be stored within the guild inventory.

Further decisions on item use in this shared guild inventory are up to the individual guild members to decide. This should be done in general consensus and should be democratically agreed upon by all members of the guild.

The shared guild inventory of a given guild is only accessible to its members.

Shared Inventory Rules

The following guidelines should be maintained by all members of the guild:

  • Any items or funds that enter the shared guild inventory are recorded by the Guild Manager within the associated thread of the guild’s inventory.

  • Without a Guild Manager, the shared guild inventory cannot be accessed or changed by the players within the guild. Benefits are not available during this time.

  • Any items or funds that enter the shared guild inventory stay within the shared guild inventory, and they can not return to a single member.

  • Items can be loaned out to members of the guild for a given assignment or session, and are to be returned after this assignment or session.

  • A maximum of two items can be borrowed by one adventurer per session, this can either be two items from one guild, or one item from two different guilds.

  • Items that are destroyed or otherwise lost (or used up) during an assignment or session do not get returned to the guild inventory - they are considered lost; when or if items are lost in this fashion, the player that the items were loaned to is not to be held liable; this was an expected or otherwise calculated risk to the item’s use.

  • Loaned items can be lost if the items are on a deceased player character - if the character’s body cannot be retrieved and brought back to Man’s Landing, the item is lost.

  • During an assignment or session, a player loaning an item from the shared guild inventory must note down this item is on loan on the Foundry character sheet - use the template: “item_name (Guild)

  • Funds within the shared guild inventory can not to be used by an individual to buy items for themselves, these bought items must be deposited into the shared guild inventory.

Guild Management

Guild Manager

One of the players will take on a voluntary role of Guild Manager at the establishment of the guild. While this is a loose position of leadership, it is mostly one of administration towards guild activities, and perhaps most importantly, maintaining the administration of the shared guild inventory. 

Each guild will have its associated thread maintained by the Guild Manager on what items or funds go in and out of the shared guild inventory, and by whom. Any and all changes to the shared guild inventory are as closely recorded as possible by the Guild Manager.

While players may want to play out leadership within roleplay, it should be heavily underlined (especially out of character) that this is only done with full agreement with other members of the guild, and that any organisation member may verify this with all players at any time.

Once again: for all intents and purposes, a Guild Manager is a voluntary role, and there is no actual leadership attached to this role.

Democratic Decision Making

For all intents and purposes, any decisions with regards to the general direction and development of the guild are to be made in consensus with all guild members present. Decisions should either be made unanimously, or after a swift democratic vote where all members of the guild vote for or against a given issue, or abstaining against the vote.

In the case of a tie of votes (there is an even amount of players within the guild voting for and against a given issue - a vote of abstain is a vote for neither), the Guild Manager’s vote is considered two votes, or they must otherwise settle the tie to be broken.


Punishments, as such, are not dished out between guild members or by players, except in the specific case that this is just acted out in roleplay with the full agreement of the players in question. Consent of all players involved is mandatory.

Changes in Leadership

Because the position of Guild Manager is an entirely voluntary one, a Guild Manager may for whatever reason decide to step down. This is no problem whatsoever. We will only ask that a new Guild Manager is appointed as soon as possible within the guild. Other members within the guild can volunteer for this position.

Additionally, should the player character who is the current Guild Manager die, an immediate replacement should be established. A guild cannot run without a Guild Manager, and as such, until a replacement character fills the role of Guild Manager, none of the functions of the guild dependent on the Guild Manager can be used. This includes the access and changes to the shared guild inventory and any benefits. Please get in touch with a Player Guide if problems occur while assigning a new Guild Manager.

If, for whatever reason in character or out of character, three players or more do not agree with the Guild Manager’s position being held by the current Guild Manager, they may call for a vote within the guild to have the position of Guild Manager be changed. If this is the case, get in touch with a Player Guide immediately.

Additional Benefits to Guilds

These can be expected around the start of Tier 3