Chapter 2: Ruining Ruins
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Sanguinian Remnants

The red dot ruins consist of one big pyramid with two small pyramids on either side of it.

The two small pyramids are like mirror images of each other. What stood out about the pyramids after entering was a feline head in a roaring pose. The floor below had two of the same feline heads on both the left and right wall. At the end of the room was a large purple object shining a purple light. This was a magical seal of some kind; both seals were broken by adventurers. This caused a purple flame to appear above the pyramids and for the entrance of the small pyramids to collapse.

The main pyramid contains a large number of tombs, sarcophagi, urns and candle sticks. There were rooms that contained stuff like a sacrificial table, a huge acid pit with bodies next to it, a room with a magical mirror giving off divination magic and a secret room where a mysterious book laid upon an altar. Another pit was found, give or take 56000 feet deep. There was also a mural found of a tentacled figure.

The bottom floor contained a creature we know to refer to as the crypt chanter, a ghostly figure that could attack by using its flute. After a long battle it was killed, and the ruins seem to be cleared now.

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Powerful Entities

The Hag on the Lake

On an island within Walker Lake stands the house of a woman most people presume is a hag. A walking raft will take you to her if you ask it nicely. The woman would like to be referred to as The Mother. She exchanges favors for information or magical items. Some items were acquired by killing all the rabbits on rabbit island for her.

There has also been a message found that stated: "Someone has been naughty," which was signed by "the sister". Because of the similarity between this name and the mother's name, we assume it might be someone who is similar to the hag.

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The Kobolds and their Civil War

In the north, a war rages between the kobolds. The western side follows a most likely topaz dragon named Nezromachus, a dragon that might be strong enough to transform into a human. The eastern side follows someone that says they’re a red half dragon, they would like to be called “The Great Dragon”.

The eastern side proclaims that they are rebels and are fighting against what they call the tyranny of the dragon. They wear red beads and some of them metal armour. The Great Dragon can give you a magical weapon if you pay him 100 GP and give him your blood, he says the blood is used to bound the weapon to you. If we help them, we get access to the diamond mine.

The western side is mainly clad in bone armour. So far, they would commit suicide when caught, which made gathering information from them very difficult. That was until Nezromachus showed up himself, or at least he said he was a dragon. He offered us a kobold workforce, a piece of its hoard in valuables and access to the iron mine if we help him destroy the half dragon.

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The Fireborn in the Asshlands

Terrain in the Asshlands shifts from dunes to normal ash, creating or destroying difficult terrain, there is no food to be found in these lands. Obsidian spires form randomly in the Asshlands, which are easily tipped over. The Asshlands are teeming with Magma creatures, from mephitis to firecats.

The lights that can be seen in the Asslands are different coloured Fireborn, creatures born of fire, which seems to be the dominant lifeform of the Asshlands. The lake mother told us that there is an exile Fireborn that has been rising up against the status quo.

The Mother also marked a spot for us to investigate in the Asshlands, we now call the spot The Obsidian Spires. An obsidian citadel stands in the middle of these spires, and many fireborn seem to live around it. Within the citadel lives the master of these fireborn, Shar-Kan. Their subordinates explained that the master's adversaries live in a cosy place and that their homeland is on the other side of the mountain, but there are weaklings living there now. They see us as weaklings as well and do not want to form an alliance, they only desire something they call: “the everburning flame”.

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Seemingly random enemies

A giant crab the size of a building has been spotted on the Littleshear Beach.

Many disfigured creatures, for example a lion with scaly hands and owls with human mouths, have been spotted in multiple areas.

A masked person, probably male, that looked and smelled of death and spoke in an unknown language has been spotted near Littleshear Beach. They attacked adventurers with traps and various disfigured creatures.

The Giant Roper the size of a building that resides in the Beaker Canyon, it can be found on the black X.

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Geographical Locations

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The Shitty Skylines

The shitty skylines are inhabited by aggressive seagulls, they range from normal size to horse sized. The closer you get to the north-eastern coast, the more likely you are to encounter them. And yet, adventurers have travelled north to follow a light coming from some kind of beacon. The beacon turned out to be an old kind of tower resembling a lighthouse, its architecture did not look like sanguinian buildings. A stone inside seems to react to moonlight, but the purpose of the lighthouse is unknown.

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Tyrant's Jungle

South of the Wasalake Swamp, a jungle has been found. The northern part of this jungle seems to be covered in ash; this part does not seem to be inhabited by any creatures. But dinosaurs have been spotted further in the “normal” parts of the jungle, one of them being a huge Tyrannosaurs Rex.

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