Building Rules

Examples of Projects

Basic Wooden building with functionality

  • ~30-36 workweeks

  • ~6 Laborers

  • ~2 Craftsmen (Carpenter)

  • Wood

Quarry (functional)

  • 36 workweeks

  • 6 Laborers

  • 3 Craftsmen (Masons)

  • Wood

Smithy (functional)

  • 36 workweeks

  • 4 Laborers

  • 4 Craftsmen (2 Mason + 2 Tinkerer/Smith)

  • Stone

Food Garden (Functional or flavour)

  • 10 Workweeks

  • 6 Laborer

  • 3 Craftsmen (1 Herbalist + 1 chef + 1 Herbalist/chef/druidcraft)

  • Stone

Medium Stone Statue (flavour)

  • 8 Workweeks

  • 2 Laborer

  • 2 Craftsmen (Mason) at least 1 required

  • Stone

Graveyard (flavour)

  • 10 Workweeks

  • 5 Laborers

  • 0 Craftsmen

  • Wood

Outpost (functional)

Outposts may be built on a hex if the following conditions are met:

  • There is a road connecting it to Man's Landing.

  • There is no currently controlled outpost within 15 hexes.


  • 54 workweeks

  • 10 Laborers

  • 5 Craftsmen

  • Wood + Stone + 500 GP (increases with each outpost build)


Roads may be built on a hex if the following conditions are met:

  • The hex is not threatened by hostile creatures or environmental factors.

  • The hex is more than two hexes from unknown hexes.

Insert Road Name
Travels from insert location to insert location across x hexes of insert terrain as well as y hexes of insert other terrain.

Insert picture of road pathway

  • z Workweeks

    • Unlimited Laborers No Craftsmen

    • Potentially Wood Or Stone

Road Cost Per Hex

3/hex Grassland

4/hex Forest/Coast

6/hex Swamp req. Wood

6/hex Hills/other difficult terrain req. Stone