Building Rules

The first people to land on this continent came here with a dream: being the first self-sufficient town on a new continent. This dream will require work, however. That work comes in the form of prospecting and construction. The prospecting will be done in sessions, finding resources to use for your build escapades back in Man’s Landing. The gathering of these materials will be done by other inhabitants of man’s landing, but there may be some infrastructure needed to be created to properly make use of these resources, like mines, quarries, etc.

Construction is divided in phases;


A player will post a project proposal in the #the-contructions-office forum channel as an individual forum post. You will put the name of this project in the title, a general description of the project and pick one of the following four tags;

  1. Flavor - This project is for fun and roleplay purposes. It does not contribute to missions, equipment, training, etc.

  2. Functional - This project can be for roleplay purposes, but the creator also expects a certain added bonus to come with the project. For example; it is a store, the project produces something, you can create things at the project site, etc. Every project that is made to be functional has to clearly indicate what function the creator expects out of it, be very specific about the outcome if you are making a project like this. Note: A functional building will take longer to get approved than a flavor building.

  3. Roadwork Ahead - This project is a road, simple as that. The kind of terrain the road travels through greatly impacts the time it takes to build a road, check the examples tab for more information.

  4. Outpost - This project creates a place where people can take a long rest, which is not possible in the wilderness in normal circumstances. If a road connects the outpost and Man's landing, it also functions as a spawn point where missions can start.

After a project has been posted, a DM will then do one of three things:

  1. They will approve the project, allowing the next phase to start.

  2. They will deny the project and explain why.

  3. They will talk to the individual in question to get things straight and/or make possible alterations to get the project approved.

When you are approved, specifications and prerequisites will be given to you to begin construction on the project, which can be started at the start of the workweek (Monday)

Personal player housing, simply said building a house for yourself or a group of people, is not allowed. This might change in later tiers of the game.


When approved, your project will receive construction costs.

Format of construction costs

Name of the building
Total workload (amount of workweeks needed)
Laborer capacity: Maximum amount of workers able to work on the project
Craftsmen capacity: amount of craftsmen able to work on a project with appropriate tools
Materials: Prerequisite materials required for the build

The Examples tab has multiple examples of projects so you can gauge how long a project can take.

Laborers provide one week of work for each workweek they spend their downtime on a project. If you qualify as a craftsman, you can do double the amount of work in the same time span. To qualify as a craftsman, you need to be proficient in the listed tools for the duration of the workweek, and have the tools in your inventory. To start construction you will also need the materials, like wood, stone, or whatever else is needed to create that building. In specific instances, it could also be that you need specific one-off resources or NPCs to facilitate construction.

During this period, the following will be asked of the player who manages the project: You will make a post at the start of every workweek (Monday or Tuesday) to notify how much work will be done, how many people will be working on the project, and who those people are. When you are approaching the point that the project is completed within a week, notify a DM so they can make the needed preparations A new player who joins should notify the project leader by posting in the forum post that they have joined the project, and in which role.

Examples for joining and managing a project

Mar'gok's player: Mar'gok will join this project as a craftsman
Crash's player: Crash "Fix" Greenscale will join this project as laborer
Ellamir's player: Ellamir Ludacano will join this project as a laborer

Project Creator:
(28-08-2023) - (04-09-2023):
2 laborers (Crash, Ellamir)
1 craftsman (Mar Gok)
starting at 0/30, ending at 4/30

Ibad's player: Ibad will join this project as a laborer
Tjark's player: Tjark will join this project as a craftsman

Project Creator:
(04-09-2023) - (11-09-2023):
3 laborers (Crash, Ellamir, Ibad)
2 craftsmen (Mar Gok, Tjark)
starting at 4/30, ending at 11/30


After the completion of a project, applicable changes will be made in the discord and foundry to reflect it.

Congratulations, your town has gained a new addition!

Upgrading a building

Sometimes a project might be too big to build or have too many functions to building in one go. Or someone might want to add an extension to a finished project, be it functional or flavor. If this is the case, a new project has to be created to add to a pre-existing project.

For example, after building the inn, a flavor building, a player may wish to add a wine cellar where they can brew potions. This would require the project manager to set up a new project that goes through the phases mentioned above.

Another example would be changing parts of a building. For example, building a second floor, changing the wood exterior for stone or other aesthetic changes. This would be a flavor upgrade as well.


As Man's Landing continues growing, so do the number of its inhabitants. The population has grown to such an extent that there now are a sizable group of laborers for hire. Currently, there are a total of 50 laborers for hire, their services can be hired for 5 gp per laborer per week. To hire a laborer, you can send the following message format in your respective build project;

I, [state name], will pay [amount of gp] to hire [amount of laborers] for the following weeks [add number of weeks].

If you hire laborers for multiple weeks at once, you will have to pay the entire amount up front, not week by week.