Chapter 1 : Exploration
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Sanguinian Remnants

The previous inhabitants of the continent left behind a myriad of structures and clues about who they where.

One of the ruins lies very close to man's landing. Inside a bunch of interesting things were found, including: a statue of a man with bleeding wrists, multiple murals and a room with a pit in it. Below you can see the murals, the first one is a straight copy, the other two are artistic renditions of what the other murals look like.

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This mural is a map of the area, below is our map with the symbols of the mural on it.

Written on the mural was:

Our final resting place

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Two things were written on it:

The blood of the servant will sustain the master. We are but fodder for his will. Oh great one, bless us. Oh powerful one, protect us. Oh spiritual one, take us to your realm.

Hallow us in thy name. Our blood is yours. Dread King, return to us

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Written on this mural was:

Our bodies await your return. Wake us from our slumber by reclaiming your blade.

The red dot on the map mural led to a second set of ruins, dubbed The Red Dot Ruins. Adventurers have not been able to get in to these ruins yet. This is because of the massive amount of bones covering the area around the ruins for miles. Creatures like zombies, skeletons and ghouls seem to be protecting the place.

The eye symbol on the map led to an altar surrounded by stones. The structure was in the shape of the symbol of The Zenith - Goddess of Wilderness. During a new moon a diamond rose out of the altar. A plaque was also found.

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Written on the plaque was:

In the darkest night, the eye gains sight. Lifes new chance. Thresul.

On top of the plaque the symbol of Mirage - God of the Sun seems to be cracked.

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Geographic locations

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The Swamps

WasALakeSwamp / Foggin' Swamp

The swamp seem to be inhabited by giant toads, crocodiles, and sturges. There have also been cases of weird fireflies attacking people or leading them to dangerous plants. The Foggin' Swamp also has gas that will ignite if exposed to flame. Last but not least there is a giant monster, dubbed toadzilla, living in the swamps.

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A group of adventurers left Man's Landing and discovered a shipwreck named the Sunflower. They find the captain, Sir Thiole, locked in a cage. He's a 600-year-old herb expert, and his crew of forest elves mutinied, led by Frendrier. Frendrier seeks a mysterious treasure with their stolen treasure map. The adventurers engaged in a brutal battle, losing a party member, Eris Forgehart. The pirates have made fortifications a ways out at the northern edge of the Foggin' Swamp and they are not interested in diplomacy. There may be as many as twenty of the pirates alive.

At least ten of the pirates have died, attacked by weird animals made up of other peoples' hands and either heads or parts of the head. Handed crabs and cackler owls were seen, similar to the handed lion.

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Exploring North

Rainbow forest

The forest next to Man's Landing is inhabited by poisonous toads and monkeys. The adventurers helped the monkeys by killing some peculiar creatures: a sabretooth tiger and a lion with scaly hands. The adventurers then struck a deal, the monkey court is a now a peaceful place for adventurers.

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Crownfeather Beach - Pittfall Plains

Following the coast north from Man's Landing you'll find "The shore between", a 36 mile long mudflat. Even more north a Kraken was spotted in the sea. Other dangers like ankhegs and sturges also seem to inhabit what we know as the most northern part of the map.

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Exploring West

Kobold Forest

The adventurers found kobolds, they do not speak common but we are at neutral terms with them. Other kobolds are welcome in their caves, unsure if other races are. They worship a probably adult dragon. The dragon requires lots of worshiping and offerings. The kobolds have access to ores and metals. Gold and jewels go to the dragon.

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Piercing plains - The Greenlands - The Asshlands

Weird sphere structures with a 20 feet diameter were found scattered around on the edges of the piercing plances, asshlands and the greendlands. With some digging it was discovered that the spheres are connected to a cylinder that goes deeper down.

The piercing plane used to be dangerous because of the Manticore flying around, which was felled by a group of adventurers. The asshlands are as it's name implies covered in ash, little sparkles can be seen at night and a mountain range dubbed "Terran's found beauty" was found in it.

A lake, dubbed Walker Lake, was found with a raft with legs in it.

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The Sealed Spire

Following the river "The Split", there's the Sealed Spire, a high tower with no windows that has a talking, stone door with no handles that speaks in riddles:

Riches of your dreams and beyond, within this tower they abscond. Return to me better prepared and go further than others have dared. Every visit is never the same, 't is an adventure only you can tame. Return to me with proof of you courage, then proceed to face the challenge. Peace for the dead is what I seek, until then I consider you weak.

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Exploring East

Adventurers were attacked by "bombard gulls" near Sandstone cliffs, which extend northward and has an underground cave system where the gulls seem to reside. There is periodic shining light in the distant east, it's dubbed the beacon.

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