
"As you work your way around the ship you hear a shout from the mast: “Land ho!”. This is what you have been waiting for, a long two months you have been waiting. From the horizon, on this misty day, you see a dark line enter your view. This new continent that has been left undiscovered for years, yearns for brave explorers such as yourself to find and reap all its riches. Whatever brings you here specifically may vary, but one thing is certain: You will find new opportunities for wealth and fame here.

The dark silhouette draws closer and the mists dispel themselves from your sight. On this new shoreline you see a hastily assembled jetty and a small sea of tents. Not so strange, you knew that this new venture would draw a lot of fortune seekers to this shore. The galleon that carries you to its shore gets docked and for the first time after a long journey, your feet touch solid ground.

You walk down the docks and find in the sea of tents a lot of new faces to meet and get yourself acquainted with. Workmen who’re taking stock of the cargo that came with you, scholars who, in small groups, discuss their findings of the nearby ruins, a few lavishly clad folk suggest that Lysmåne merchants are already trying to find their way to make even more profits and finally you hear from a large tent a merry song, fellow adventurers such as yourself are gathering in a large drinking tent. Sure, things might be a bit rough now, sleeping in a tent? Food? What is outside of the camp? One thing is certain: You’re in for one heck of an adventure."

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WARNING: Map was made by a drunk dwarf