Adventure Log C4

A new continent has been found. A call ran out to all who wished for a better life and adventure. A dozen or more ships departed to this newfound land, wondering what would await them.

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The boats arrive on the new continent, at a place dubbed Man's Landing. Tents and cargo are scattered around the makeshift docks. The adventurers set up their tents and prepare for their adventures.

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Chapter 1 : Exploration

The adventurers scatter around, exploring far and wide to add more information to their maps. They cross paths with ancient ruins, huge monsters, mutinying pirates and more.

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Chapter 2: Ruining Ruins

The mystery of the ruins seems to be coming to a conclusion, but many more stories have only just begun. The adventurers expand their horizons once more and find strange ash covered lands, a mysterious woman, a kobold clan at war and giant creatures like nothing they've seen before.

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Chapter 3: Quelling Quarrels

The adventurers resolve the civil war of the kobolds, the rebellion of the fireborn Shar-Khan, the animosity with the seagulls and lay the undead of the Red Dot Ruins to rest. But this opens up more paths into the continent. The Sealed Spire opens and intelligent Ogres are met, new mysteries unravel before the adventurers.

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Chapter 4: Scheming Sister

As the adventurers travel through the sewers of the Giant's spillway, they open up a new region for them to explore. But Abigail and her creatures loom over the region, making it very dangerous to travel through. Adventurers slay the monsters, save dwarfs and even defeat Sister Abigail! As they begin to travel even more west they encounter dwarven settlements and a massive ice sea that is starting to freeze all the water in the region.

To be continued...