
The kingship of Sändurna

Standing sturdy on the western side of the high north, Sändurna is a large island with trees higher than any man-made building. The light grey ground is warm and fertile from the large volcano range combined with the cold humid air.

The island is filled with gigafauna, larger than most large creatures that are scattered throughout the world. The smallest ant on this island reaches a bit over 3 feet in length. These large insectoids crawl, burrow and climb throughout the trees with ease. As if cessation blessed these centipedes with armor so thick it is heavier than modern steel armour.


On the island stand three towns, all three uniquely adapted to the danger of the spruce jungle. While none of the inhabitants have ever succeeded in becoming a Lærer koningr, the island is still respected for their fighters.


The village of Kraiven is a nomadic village that moves from tree hollow to tree hollow. The village consists of aarakocra and tortles, both races aid each other in living in strange places. The tortles have acute senses for primordial powers, warning their village when danger approaches. The tortle use the holes between the roots of the trees as their homes, or they ask an aaracockre to drop them in a hollow tree trunk. This village is still in their tribal state, barely any of the inhabitants speak the "common" language, yet this doesn't detract from their outstanding knowledge of plant life and the small ecosystems that are so enlarged on this island.


Build from wood, etched from wood, sculpted from wood. The finest creations made out of wood are from Borgum, some might even say the goodest of wood. The tree top village of Borgum has a fresh supply of many wooden spikes under the bottom of their floors, keeping the climbing insects away. For the flying monsters like wasps, large nets have been constructed, weaved from spider webs and rope.

The goliaths of this village have amazing upper body strength from the many rope climbing, tying and carving of old strong wood. Their bodies are canvasses with many vibrant colours, as the goliaths use many dyes in their tattoos. Ranging from the ochre found in the rich clays ground or red dyes from the insect scales of specific bugs. Some mix the ashes of their ancestors within the dye to symbolize them protecting them.


Many Orgûllian conquests have been sent to pierce the high north, but they have never been able to defeat any of the clans. Many of them spent so much time in The North that they felt more at home there than in their own empire. Now here in the northern edge of Sändurna a group of these dwarves set up the duergar (underdwarven) village of Verneberg. It isn't too deep beneath the ground, but enough to provide the darkness needed for the duergar. They mainly harvest the sulfur and basalts from the volcano veins and either craft with it or trade this with the other villages. During the winter, when near the polar night, they will venture upwards to the surface again.

Leader Ka'tra

Ka'tra came originally from the island of Jørgal, but him and his family got exiled when his violent tendencies got too violent for the people to handle. In his exile he build a boat and sailed towards the west to find a new home. When he set foot on the island his family soon got attacked by a gargantuan scorpion. He slayed it with half of his blood replaced with it's poison, or so the storytellers of the village will tell you. He stole a bunch of its eggs from its lair and raised the babies, as if they were his own son. With the help of these creatures he took over as ruler of the island, and now lives in Borgum with his wife Sa'ta and their son.