The Western Frontier

News about The Western Frontier has started to slow down a little. Less adventurers travel to the region, giving more room for settlers and pioneers to do their thing. However, in the year 1350 A.S. the region used to be a hotbed for adventuring activity. A few years prior to this peak in activity, the little town of Domos was settled in the region as a first point beyond the mountains that seperate the Western Frontier from the rest of the known world. Not long after that adventurers traveled there from all over the world. From treasure seekers to nobles who were hoping to get a foothold in this wild land. Not long after settling there these adventurers started to set out on quests and rumors. Mapping the area in the process.

Fun fact: The Western Frontier was the setting for Cycle 1!

A stronghold fighting back

After venturing out for a couple of months and fighting back against the wildlife, the adventurers of Domos encountered a stronghold which offered much resistance. This stronghold was home to a tribe of goblins which were not fond of the adventurers roaming there lands. It took our adventurers about three expeditions. The fights were fierce and some adventurers almost lost their lives during these fights, but after the third expedition the brave adventurers conquered this stronghold and claimed it as their own.

Adventurers required

With the stronghold claimed, Domos began to grew from a small settlement to a real town. Although great for the people living there a new threat started to show itself. The territory to the south of the town was already claimed by three tribes. All of them consisting of different kinds of Lycanthropes with a rakshasa as the leader of the strongest.

The Tusk Tribe

Being the lowest in the hierarchy was the Tusk Tribe. This tribe consisted fully of wereboars with Francesca as their leader. This Tribe was also the first that the adventurers encountered and with which they came in conflict due to breaching their territory unintended. It took our brave adventurers a full expedition to right the wrong done by there fellow adventurers but they managed to form a treaty with the Tusk Tribe. This treaty holds till this day as both the citizens of the town as the Tusk Tribe help each other whenever needed

The Gray Tribe

While not being the highest tribe in the pecking order the Grey tribe posed quite the threat to our adventurers. Being led by a Loup Garou named Harkon Lukas fully consisting of savage Werewolfs they were a force to be reckoned with. They encountered and fought with these beasts on multiple occasions as both of them were convince they we in their right. It was till much later that the conflict between the villagers and the Grey Tribe was put to rest. Although their is still tension between the two till this day.

The Southern Tribe

There is still much unknown about the Southern Tribe. What we know is that it this tribe consists of weretigers and Zakya Rakshasa warriors with a Rakshasa called Gitra calling the shots. Gitra is also the one controlling the whole hierarchy. They work from the shadows and treetops but that is about all we know at this point.

The day of the summit

One of the many parties of adventurers went out on an expedition with the intent of making peace with all the Tribes and looking for a way to live peacefully next to each other. This ended up in something else. After meeting up with the Tusk Tribe and being guided to the summit the adventurers quickly learned this was not an ordinary peace summit. This was a fight over territory with their lives at stake. They were allowed to leave after each round and after a victory against both the Tusk Tribe and the Grey Tribe the expedition party knew they would not be able to beat the Southern tribe. As soon as the adventurers explain their intentions the atmosphere turned grim as the Southern tribe quickly turns hostile while the parties flees to the edge of the hunting grounds. Once reaching the border and crossing it the hostility disappeared like snow on a hot day as they get thanked for there presence and joining in the summit. With this a peace treaty was signed.

A danger in the deep

It would not be the Western frontier if there would not be a greater threat already waiting for our brave pioneers as the peace was there only for a brief moment. It took about a week or two before a green dragon, by the name of Murmorro, showed itself to world. His lair was being flooded by the slowly rising water as he fled into the forest. Here he contracted a handful of adventurers from the village to dive into his lair and retrieve part of his hoard. What followed was a, slightly forced from Mumorro his side, beneficial relationship where he would grant them information if they did jobs for him.

The first piece of information he came with was the rising of the water level in combination with Sahuagin which started to roam the lands, slowly taking ownership of the lands of the Western Frontier. It was here that the brave adventurers, after bickering and fighting about forming a council, united as one under a common threat. Their now hometown possibly becoming the lost city of Marundo. They set out to find the cause of the rising water and found full settlements of Sahuagin, guarding a cave of what could possibly be the biggest enemy they encountered so far.

After clearing a way towards this cave the whole adventuring guild packed their stuff and set out to what would possibly be their last adventure of their lives. Divided in three squadrons they covered all the possible entrances and started to go deeper into the cave. The road was difficult and took quite a toll on the parties already but once they finaly reached the depths of this cave they found something that none of them could ever expected. There, in the depths it was, The avatar of the deep prince, Dagon!

The battle that followed was the longest and hardest battle they have ever fought before. It took the lives of many of the adventurers, but after quite some time Dagon finally fell. The different parties celebrated their victory, not knowing the battle was far from over. As soon as the body of Dagon hit the water his back splits open, revealing multiple hearts. The adventurers, not hesatiting for even a second, dive in and start attacking the multiple hearts, claiming victory in the end.

Victorious but with heavy heart over the losses they return back to the village where most of them split up, going out on their own path once more. This split resulting in, among other things, the creation of the Western Frontiers under leadership of Mayor Bluemight and Counsilleader Darian.

Demography and Population

Although the land is mostly still being re-explored, after the recent years of development under the council of pioneers in Domos, the land has been determined to be mostly home to tribes of all different kinds in these days. Most common among which seem to be orcs, goblins, sahuagin, merrow, and lycanthropes. However, with the recent growth of the determined capital, Domos, an influx of different peoples have been seen moving into this land an making it their own. Creating in reality what seems to be a big mix-pot of all weird and wonderful beings.


Due to the largely unexplored state of the Western Frontier, the allocated lands to the governing body are rather small and mostly centered around the town of Domos. Attempts at expansion have been made by the ruling Council, however, at this point in time it's leader, Darian, has not used aggressive means of territorial expansion. Preferring to mostly make use of trade and diplomacy to maintain bonds with the surrounding tribes and smaller communities in the area.